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Parenting Style
67 posts
Did You Know Your Handwriting Can Change Your Parenting Style?
Are you guilty of the following? We chatted with Aditi Surana, a graphologist & high-performance coach. She says that graphologically,…
Is Modern-Day Parenting Taking The Fun Out Of Children’s Play?
As a parent why do I feel more burnout and overwhelmed compared to my parents? Why is modern-day parenting so…
The Gentle Parenting Revolution: Is It Right for Your Family?
Gentle parenting style is gaining popularity world over with its disciplinarian approach but in a positive and non-imposing way. But…
Are You Always Fighting With Your Child? Here’s How You Can Change That
Watch this exclusive video with Dr Shefali, World's leading clinical psychologist on how to embrace conscious parenting to bond better…
5 Ways To Improve Your Relationship With Your Child
Did you know As per the WHO over 300 million children in the world, aged between 2-4 years regularly suffer…
The Parenting Styles Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?
Kid are all so different – one may have wound himself around your leg while the second one is trying…
Parenting Ki Nayi Parampara. What Does It Mean To You?
Parenting is not as simple as it was for our parents. People adapt to many styles, and methods. For me,…
5 Simple Ways To Avoid Overparenting
Are you the parent who hovers over or influences every decision your child makes? If yes, you just might be…
When Should You Start Giving Your Child Pocket Money?
#KSPQuestionOfTheWeek! When do you think is the right time to start giving your child pocket money? Here's what desi parents…
Am I Raising My Child The Right Way?
For moms, seeing kids grow up, is always bitter-sweet. But one thing that shouldn't be part of these thoughts is,…
Helicopter Or Snow Plough – Which Type Of Parent Are You?
Dr Zirak Marker is a renowned therapist for adults and kids. Here he shares how we can make our parenting…
Mom of Twin Boys Shares How She Does It All
This mom shares her lockdown poem-story - being home with 2 twin boys. She's not tearing her hair out just…