5 Signs That Your Body Needs A Detox Post Diwali

Feeling sluggish, bloated or just not good after all the binge eating and drinking? Nutritionist Riddhi Jadhwani tells you how to reset your body the right way.

Had a great Diwali celebration? But, as the candles slowly dwindled, and the long weekend came to an end, we all feel fatigued now! Bet you had a wonderful time but your body is feeling the wear and tear. The best time of the year can leave you tired and in need of rejuvenation, so let’s talk about that post-Diwali detox! If you’re unsure about WHY you should be detoxing then here below are signs that simply can’t be ignored.

Get Your Body And Mind All The Help They Need With These:

1. You are feeling stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed 

Let’s face it, being social, entertaining or planning/attending soirée after soirée can be daunting both mentally and physically. You need to catch a breath and detox! 

2. You suffer from headaches (that won’t go away) and brain fog syndrome 

There’s constant forgetfulness, and a lack of focus among other discomforts due to lack of sleep, stress and doing too much of one thing. The brain needs a break. You’re also suffering from headaches due to ailments such as constipation, gas and acidity – that lead to consistent pain in the head.

3. Your digestion is sluggish, irregular and troublesome 

Diwali has left you feeling bloated, you’re experiencing water retention and a bad digestive system. The last is a strong indicator of a body overloaded with a toxin accumulation that has made its way inside through excessive drinking of alcohol and eating food that’s devoid of nutrition, chiefly guzzling down of sugary and salty foods.

4. You are irritable and ready to snap 

A poor lifestyle that lacks physical activity, and a drastic change in diet over a period of time can leave you tired, lethargic and bereft of energy, making you constantly irritable and ready to explode over the smallest of things. 

5. Dehydration

A common byproduct of the indulgent week! You end up drinking less H20 and more of everything else, leaving enormous room for dehydration that prevents all bodily functions from doing their job efficiently. Time to drink up (water) and force out the toxins naturally. 

What To Do Post-Diwali To Overcome Fatigue?

After a heavy and calorie-laden festive week it is essential that you detox in a safe and healthy way to get the body and system back on track.

  • Fluids to the rescue: Remember to drink warm water to flush out the toxins. You can easily drink some herbal tea according to your preference. Have ginger tea (twice a day to soothe the throat) and turmeric milk to boost your immunity. Additionally, say NO to sugar for at least a week and get sound sleep! Keep sipping fennel water throughout the day. You may also fill it in a thermos for convenience. 
  • Avoid hard-to-digest foods: Stick to simple meals post-Diwali like cleansing soups. Incorporate clear soups in your diet, which include celery, parsley and veggies. For an effective detox. foods that create less load on digestion should be consumed and therefore, it is advised to avoid meat as much as possible. 
  • Check your salt intake: Go low on salt, and opt for meals like oats & nut milk along with consuming seeds. As you go low on heavy gravies, lighter options like these will be beneficial for detox and cleansing. Another option can be steamed sprouts salad as it doesn’t require too many ingredients. The point is to make simple meal choices that are easy on digestion and work best to make you feel lighter instead of completely depending upon juice or other fluids. We advise our clients to take the probiotics course which helps in maintaining good health. Consuming probiotics is one of the best ways to naturally restore gut health.
  • Reframe your mindset: After a binge, you should make sure to reframe your mindset. Change it from “I just binge ate and I feel like a failure; I have no self-control” to “I ate a little more than I would have liked to, but tomorrow is a new day and I will get back on track”. Your thoughts control your actions!
  • Shun the scale: The scale is not your friend the day following a big binge. It may display a number higher than you are used to, as a result of the extra food that is sitting in your stomach and the water retention. Wait two days before weighing yourself to see what the lasting damage is. 
  • Move on:  Try to avoid the “I will start tomorrow” mentality. Start now! Have a large glass of water, go for a walk, and choose your favourite healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner meal. Just because you are getting back on track, doesn’t mean you can’t ever have a treat again. You are just resetting into the healthy routine you want to be your lifestyle.   

As the 5-day long festival and the numerous Diwali parties come to an end, it’s time to reboot, hit refresh and get into detox mode. You need to listen to your body and plan an appropriate detox after consulting your nutritionist. Fluids, nutritious food and sound sleep are your escape boat, so set sail and detox!

Image Source: http://blog.juggernaut.in/

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