5 Things Only Moms Who Travel Can Relate To

Speaking for the tribe of moms who travel (often) with the offsprings- either on a well-planned vacation or a last-minute impromptu getaway, there are some trademark characteristics that make us stand out in the crowd.

With summer holidays dates being announced in schools, the inevitable vacation planning is on in full swing at my place. From short one-day getaways to 7-hour long flights, I have travelled with my little girl, and I must confess it  is never an easy feeling! 

The joy of seeing your child enjoy the experience and learn new things as they see the places is definitely unparalleled! But the flight journeys and the packing (and the unpacking) that ensues are taxing and takes a toll on your patience- no doubt! As they say- “It is not a vacation if you are travelling with your kids. It is only a change of location”!  I cannot agree more! 

Speaking for the tribe of moms who travel (often) with the offsprings- either on a well-planned vacation or a last-minute impromptu getaway, there are some trademark characteristics that make us stand out in the crowd. The next time you see one of us- offer us a smile, and don’t roll over your eyes at the tantrums my child makes! Helps big time! 


1. The Airport Drama 

Am sure most moms agree with me when I say that tiding over the waiting time at the airport is the most excruciating part of the travel with kids! From having to wait at those endlessly long queues, to have to let go of their favourite cuddly toy at the frisking bay, there are enough things that annoy a child (and the mom too!) 

Mommy tip:  When bargaining for a better seat or a negotiating an excess baggage discussion with the airline staff- make sure you discuss with your infant/toddler in hand. A troublesome toddler gets you some brownie points here and swings the deal in your favour! 

2. The Politics Of Seat Allocation

As much as it sounds rude, I pray I get allocated a seat that's far from other toddlers and infants. No, am not mom-shaming or frowning at the tantrums of other toddlers. But after I wage a long and sad battle and get my child to sleep (so I can grab a few moments of Netflix or maybe a bite!) the last thing I will need is a wailing child as a co-passenger or an over-enthusiastic one that keeps my child up all during the journey. No thanks! 

Mommy tip: In case you ARE seated next to a kid- sorry, I have no mommy tips to share. Godspeed!

3. Travel Light? What's That?!

I love how people share stories of their backpacking trips and how going minimalistic when travelling is the way forward. Unless it is a vacation without your kids, sorry- I am not going to understand how that is even remotely possible. When I travelled with my 5-month-old for a holiday to Goa, in addition to liquid detergents, I carried my trusted saucepan to help prepare my child's sattumavu porridge! Yes- that and bottle sterilizers, and the unending list of clothes and shoes and accessories- they go on! So unless you wish to earn my wrath, please don't dole out advice on how to travel light! 

Mommy tip:  Know more about your place of stay and the amenities they have- before you pack. And if you overshoot the limit- just don't worry! It is better to be safe than sorry! 

4. Truck Loads Of Patience- Pile Up On Them!

Travelling in a 7-hour duration flight with a toddler who loved pressing the 'call for assistance' button all through the journey has been a testimony to my patience and how shamelessly I cut a "sorry, but not sorry" image while travelling! Yes- kids come up with the unthinkable and they wait to execute them in these toughest scenarios- so, on a serious note, take a deep breath and learn to see the tiny streak of humour in each of them. Helps keep those blood pressure levels intact! 

Mommy tip: When you witness your child embarrass you when travelling on a flight, the easiest quick response is to pretend you are dozing! People tend to judge you a lot lesser then! 

5. Don't Judge Me!

For those of you who plan the perfect itinerary that involves seeing new places with the kids, every single day on your holiday- hats off to you! You remain an inspiration and belong to a RARE breed of moms! For the other more generic moms out there like me- who stick to seeing just 3 or 4 new places and spend more time admiring the wall decor of the hotel rooms than venturing out with the kids- don't worry- there's nothing wrong with it! We end up spending more time with the kids at the breakfast table or the hotel swimming pool than exploring new places and no- we don't regret it! 

Mommy tip: Just arm yourselves with a lot of storybooks, colouring books and a good hotel with a great swimming pool. Nothing beats it- really! 

At the end of it- just remember that as tiring and exhaustive it turns out to be- you go back home with a bag full of memories that you will cherish for decades to come! So go ahead and take the plunge! 

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