7 ways to keep kids involved during Indian festivals

The Indian festive season is on a roll and there is absolutely no doubt that we need to keep our kids busy during these festivals and most importantly enjoy these festivals. We loved the togetherness and the celebratory mood with our cousins, but in today’s nuclear family days it is imperative that we keep our kids involved so they understand and value the essence of these festivals. Dont forget to dress your kids up during key festivals so they understand why and feel its a special day. So parents let’s get our act together so when we grow old we can see our kids celebrate and also enjoy those sweet moments with them and reminiscence our childhood.

The Indian festive season is on a roll and there is absolutely no doubt that we need to keep our kids busy during these festivals and most importantly enjoy these festivals. Today festivals are restricted to holidays and long weekends away from home and the festivities. We loved the togetherness and the celebratory mood with our cousins, but in today’s nuclear family days it is imperative that we keep our kids involved so they understand and value the essence of these festivals. So here is how we think you can keep them involved and of course ENJOY!!!

  1. Tell: Always tell your kids the relevance of the festival and why it is celebrated. Build the buzz and hype at least a week in advance so you can do it at a pace that both of you are comfortable with. Don’t try to do everything at one go when you have the time as your child may not be ready for it. You could watch videos or do a role play with them. Read our stories on the importance and questions on Ganpati & Raksha Bandhan
  2. Art & Craft: This is an absolute must do as there is no better way to make them remember and experience the celebration. Be it making cards, decorating the idol, painting, sticking, making bookmarks, making it with clay.
  3. Decorate: Get those fairy lights out and hit the switch to happiness. Kids love all things bright and beautiful. Pull out flowers to make lanterns or rangoli. Decorate the puja thali with flowers, colours, different colour dals/pulses and get innovative. You can also try mixing different colours with atta/wheat flour or make it with clay.
  4. Sweet Tooth: Bring out the best in them with some help in making the Prasad. Be it just adding those dry fruits for decoration or removing them in the correct silverware. Take their assistance in putting the Prasad in little bags or paper bowls for the guests. Take them shopping with you to buy the ladoos or barfis that you need. If you know what is the special feast for that occasion then share it with them.
  5. Dress it up: Festivals are all about celebration and fun. Kids love to enjoy and have people over. Don’t forget to dress your kids up during key festivals so they understand why and feel it’s a special day. Children are also great imitators so don’t forget to dress up yourself.
  6. Social Visit: Don’t skip those visits to the neighbours, friends, family saying we are too busy. Children love to go out and this will make them enjoy the true spirits of the festival. Don’t skip those temple visits either. We are so busy these days that temples and religious places of worship have become like museums or tourist destinations where we go once in awhile.
  7. Fast it out: If it’s a special fast like a roza or Janmashtami or the jain festival then do let them know why are they doing it and if necessary do reward them too. Also do appreciate their little effort.

So parents let’s get our act together so when we grow old we can see our kids celebrate and also enjoy those sweet moments with them and reminiscence our childhood.

Image Source: Masterfile.

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