8 Creative, Super Simple, DIY Christmas Trees!

Description: If you have plants on your window sill or on your balcony, do them up as Christmas trees! Create a centerpiece with green paper rolled into trees. Make a tree, and stick on ornaments or use green thread to design a tree. Description: Use beautiful gift wrapping paper and roll it around a conical tube roll for a beautiful, chic, tree!

My children love big, elaborately decorated Christmas trees. You know the kind you see on television or maybe even in malls. They love it so much they want to keep similar ones at home! But given space constraints in urban cities, can you imagine bringing a fir home, decorating it, and keeping it fresh for the next couple of week? I couldn’t! So if you want to have a tree at home and are willing to veer away from traditional ones, you will love these ideas.

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1. Use string art to draw a tree.


If you are into minimalism then all you need is a blank wall, some string and some nails. Add some ornaments that you can design yourself and voila! You have a tree!

diy christmas trees

2. Repurpose a ladder.

Description: We love this idea! Just keep your ladder open, drape some lights over it, and add some ornaments. There is even ample place to store presents!

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3. Hang ornaments on your house plants.

Description: If you have plants on your window sill or on your balcony, do them up as Christmas trees!

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4. Make a family of 3-D gingerbread Christmas trees.

Description: Bake a tree! Planning to make gingerbread men? Make Gingerbread trees instead!

diy christmas trees_Make a family of 3-D gingerbread Christmas trees_kidsstoppress


5. Create a centerpiece with green paper rolled into trees.

Description: Take sturdy, green cardboard sheet paper and roll them up and tape them. You could even make a few trees out of coloured paper! Make a tree, and stick on ornaments or use green thread to design a tree. Place them on a glass vase.

diy christmas trees_Create a centerpiece with green paper rolled into trees._kidsstoppress

6. Make trees wrapped in the fabric or wrapping paper of your choosing.

Description: Use beautiful gift wrapping paper and roll it around a conical tube roll for a beautiful, chic, tree!

diy christmas trees_Make trees wrapped in the fabric or wrapping paper of your choosing._kidsstoppress

7. Make a felt-shingled tree.

Description: Use felt and cut circles or semi circles. Stick them on a conical roll and add some beautifully coloured ornaments.

diy christmas trees_Make a felt-shingled tree.._kidsstoppress


8. Use fairy lights to make a tree

Repurpose your diwali lights and make a tree on your window! Super simple and will look beautiful too!

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