Aphrodisiacs In The Indian Pantry That Will Help You Conceive

If you’re trying to spice things up in the bedroom, then you’re going to need the help of one of these aphrodisiacs to help spark action off in the bedroom.

The daily stresses of our lives make finding time to spend time with your partner difficult. If by any stroke of luck you do manage to find some quiet time together, chances are that you may not have the energy for any bedroom action. If you’re trying to conceive, we’re sure that any help you can get in the libido department will be appreciated.

The world over people look towards the land of Kamasutra for tips to up their bedroom game using food and herbs. We already know that food plays a big part in mood changes and natural aphrodisiacs do just that. You’ll find below a list of aphrodisiacs that will help whet your sexual appetite and spice things up under the covers.


woman eating garlic

Image Source: http://cdnhz.healthfreedoms.org

Garlic has allicin which helps in blood circulation. If there is enough blood going to your pelvic/groin area there shouldn't be any problem. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So, next time you're cooking be generous with the garlic. Avoid eating garlic just before you have sex though. We doubt this pungent smelling bulb will get anyone excited where there is heavy breathing involved.


minion eating banana

Image Source: http://cdn.detechter.com

Bananas contain an enzyme called bromelain which increases libido and treats impotence in men. Potassium and Vitamin B boost the sex production hormone in the body. Also, we all know how banana should be eaten before a workout to keep up energy levels in the body. The workout doesn't have to be confined to the gym right?


figs aphrodisiacs

Image Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

Fig or anjeer was Cleopatra's favourite food. We've all heard a thing or two about her prowess in the bedroom. Known to be rich in amino acids,  Vitamin A, B, iron and manganese, figs increase your libido naturally. So have a fig or two a day to make you feel sexier.


chocolate man feeding woman chocolate

Image Source: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/

Chocolate is also known as the food of the Gods and is associated with love. It's a well-known aphrodisiac. Chocolates contain serotonin and phenylethylamine which act on the pleasure area of the brain to give you that happy feeling with loads of excitement thrown in. Now don't take that as an indication that you can go through bars of chocolate and not worry about your weight.


basil aphrodisiac

Image Source: http://68.media.tumblr.com

This sweet-smelling herb is called 'kiss me Nicholas' in Italy. It is believed that basil increases sex drive and fertility. It increases blood circulation in the body and relaxes the blood vessels. It's also known to cure headaches. So next time your partner comes up with that excuse, you can feed him/her some basil leaves.


red chili aphrodisiac

Image Source: http://www.capitalfm.co.ke

Capsaicin in the chillies increases blood circulation, the heart rate, raises body temperature and also makes you sweat. From bell peppers to red chillies, endorphins are released when you bite into one of these. Eating chillies can give you a high and rev up your libido.


cinnamon on coffee

Image Source: http://www.thecoffeebump.com

Cinnamon is considered to be one of the most effective natural aphrodisiacs. It heats the body and increasing sexual appetite. Sprinkle cinnamon in your coffee, yoghurt, or milk, or use the spice to zest up desserts that your partner likes. It smells and tastes delicious.


ashwagandha indian ginseng

Image Source: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/

This herb has been in use since ancient times and is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicines. It's known as Indian ginseng. It is a powerful aphrodisiac and helps things in bed, increase feelings of desire and improve energy levels.


It has long since been prized as a spice that enhances libido. Take a pinch of saffron and mix into a glass of warm milk. Consume this sexual stimulant at bedtime and its action time in bed.

So it's time to load up your grocery basket with these easily available aphrodisiacs. Get ready to channel your inner goddess to have some fun and make a baby in the process.

You may also like: 13 Things You Must Have In Your Pantry To Make Our Meal Plans Image Source: http://taurusmansecrets.com/


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