CDC Tips On How To Stay Safe When Using Public Swimming Pools

Can’t wait to jump into your fav swimming pool? Read this first.

With the scorching summer sun beating down on us, the only thing that’s on everyone’s mind is to jump into a swimming pool and cool down. But this summertime activity is actually a little more dangerous for your health than you think.

You know how you’re asked to have a shower before getting into the pool? There is a reason for that, If you don’t have a shower before you get into the pool then you actually carry germs, bacteria whatever is on you into that pool with you – the one which is being used by a few dozen people at the same time.

Also, there are so many people who suffer from diarrhoea and other stomach conditions but they still use the public pools. This makes your swimming pool a sea of contaminated bacteria-ridden water. Gross right!

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recently published a report on why one should refrain from using a public swimming pool when you are suffering from a bout of diarrhoea. Read the report here. The report states how more than 500 cases of outbreaks associated with treated recreational water were reported in the United States from a period of 2010-14. How do we ensure we can stay safe when all we want to do is dive into the pool, this summer? Forbes recently came out with a list of useful pointers to watch out this summer. 

Scroll down to read them and remember to bookmark them right away! 


Tips To Not Get Sick While Swimming

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No Discolouration: Make sure the water is not green around the edges with slime or brown with things floating in it.

Avoid Cloudy Water: The water should be clear when you get into the pool. You should be able to see the swimming pool floor.

Make Sure There Is Water Circulation: Every pool has jets to make sure that the water is being filtered. See if there are objects blocking the jets If there are things sticking to the jets, that's not a good sign. 

Avoid Swallowing Water: We know how kids jump into the pool and come spluttering up. Remind them swimming pool water is not to be drunk. It can cause serious stomach issues.

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Contaminators Alert: When kids get into the pool, there are always some who either pee, poop or vomit after taking in pool water. Beware! If you see someone being sick near the pool, it's time to clear out.

Smell Of Chlorine: A strong "chlorine" smell may actually mean that there is not enough chlorine in the pool.The reason why the smell if strong is due to the reaction of chlorine with perspiration, body oil, and urine.

Check For Slime: Are the handrails you use to get into the pool slimy or dirty? If they are slimy or slippery that's not a good sign. That means the pool area is not well maintained and it could cause contamination. 

So just because a pool looks fancy and expensive, it doesn't mean that it's clean. Watch for these signs and make ensure that your family stays healthy while cooling down this summer.

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