Ep.1 | Burn That Stubborn Lower Body Fat Using Gliding Discs At Home


Do you feel that you are getting stuck at home because you can’t make it to your gym? No babysitter for kids and it’s pouring outside is a common excuse we hear. Well, how about working out at home? It can be as intense, you can work those calories out and you can look in the mirror and admire your toned body. Are you thinking impossible? What if we told you otherwise?

When I came across Gliding Discs I knew those were going to be soon the best buy for a home workout. They are easily available, cost-effective, compact and great for all levels. This will be your secret weapon for a toned body. Tune in and find out how to work on your lower body and glutes out using Gliding Discs. In this tutorial we are sharing squats, courtesy lunges, slide and squat, sumo squat pulsing and many other quick exercises. 

You will look forward to this working out and won’t find any excuses. So are you ready for the #KSPMomchallenge?

Shop the Gliding disc here

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