Fun Games To Keep Your Kids Engaged On A Road Trip

Mansi Zaveri embarked on a road trip with the kids and lists some of their favourite games together as a family. Which one is your fav?
Family in a forest. People by the car. Sunset background.

Many parents are planning a road trip to nearby safe destinations with kids- and if you are one among them, you will find this list useful. Apps are great for learning, but it is difficult to use them as babysitting tools all day long. How about changing that and indulging in fun family games instead?

Mansi Zaveri embarked on a road trip with the kids and listed some of their favourite games together as a family.


You have to mention country names using the last letter of the word. Everyone goes clockwise. For example, If I say Australia, the next person in line has to mention a country with an A since it is the last letter.


We used to play this growing up and love it and my kids enjoy it too. Create 2 teams and you have to sing a song. Again, the last syllable is the cue for the next song.


We can play this game for hours where you mention something you see outside and the kids can guess the object. It is an amazing way to test their vocabulary.

Spell Bee:

Have each child say the word, spell the word and say the word again. This is the way a spelling bee works and you should prepare them for it.

Audio Books:

Kids love stories and this is the best way to introduce stories and work on their audio skills. You can check out our exclusives on how audiobooks help your kids and a list of the best audiobooks to download for your kids. 

So which game are you looking forward to playing with your child? Tell us in the comments below.

Image by prostooleh on Freepik

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