Heard Of Sharenting Yet? You Might Just Be Guilty Of It!

It is a day like every other and out of the blue your child, the apple of your eye, your pride and joy does something extraordinary and if your instant reaction is to reach for your phone and click a pic to share with social media then congratulations – you are a sharent. A sharent is a mom or dad preferably in the mid 20s and 30s who are so comfortable with their social media skills that they share every nuance of their parenting through posts, blogs, and pictures of their children on social media everyday. It doesn’t take much for parents today to post a picture of our family or just our children on Facebook or Instagram and watch as the likes and loves rack up over the next few hours.

Allow me to paint you a picture. It is a day like every other and out of the blue your child, the apple of your eye, your pride and joy does something extraordinary and if your instant reaction is to reach for your phone and click a pic to share with social media then congratulations – you are a sharent.

Who is a sharent you ask? A sharent is a mom or dad preferably in the mid 20s and 30s who are so comfortable with their social media skills that they share every nuance of their parenting through posts, blogs, and pictures of their children on social media everyday. Basically a sharent is a person who shares too much information about their children online.

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We have all done it one time or the other. Having a horrible day and your child threw up all over the car seat? That warrants a pic and a post on Instagram! Or maybe your adorable cherub had a huge diaper blowout and you posed with the screaming baby for a selfie for Facebook? It doesn’t take much for parents today to post a picture of our family or just our children on Facebook or Instagram and watch as the likes and loves rack up over the next few hours. We have also experienced the downfall when our ‘followers’ conveniently move to the next hottest thing! Believe it or not, sharenting is our generation’s epidemic and we need to deal with it now! Study done by C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, 2015

Who sharents more:




Common sharenting topics: 



Why they sharent?


As parents we believe sharing photos and intimate details about our kids online helps us be a part of an invisible community of like minded parents. Sure we are all a big happy family that help each other in times of need, but is there something more to it? Experts warn that by the time our children are old enough to use social media themselves, we would have already created a digital ID for them! Once you post that picture of your baby’s naked bottom online, rest assured it is there – forever. Is that what they want? Each person deserves the right to create your own online footprint, it is one of the joys of living in such technologically advanced times. But sharenting means that a child’s online footprint can be created by their parents and the scary part is there is no way they can erase it later on when (and if) they want to!

Cyber bullying, stalking, invasion of privacy are all real and we need to deal with it while watching out for our kids. So next time you pick up your phone to post something private and intimate about your child, take a moment to think – are you guilty of sharenting too much?

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