Here’s How We Are Spending This Lockdown With The Kids #1

Everyone in in lockdown mode and life seems to have changed as we all knew it. This mom tells us how she keeps her 3 kids busy and engaged when we can’t step out!

With news of corona and lockdown, we feel the world has almost come to a standstill! Among kids work from home, news channels and everything Covid-19, we asked parents how they were holding up? Was there a routine they had sent have set for themselves and the kids? This is what our contributor Aarti Sarin Jain, mom of 3 shared with us.

The lockdown is a challenge with 3 kids aged 12,10 and 5 years. Honestly, I have always been a mom where the kids did a lot at home without stepping out. It helps in situations like this. 

Once social distancing and lockdown was announced and became a part of our lives, the first thing I did was to pull out a schedule from Khan Academy that involved them to be ready and on the desk by 9:00 AM.

I have kept timings for everything to simplify my life

  • Breakfast – 7:00-7:30 AM
  • Snack – 10:00 AM
  • Lunch – 1.00 PM
  • Snack – 3:30 -4.00 PM
  • Dinner –  6:30 PM

This is what our schedule is on a regular school day and I am sticking to that! 

Below is something Armaan wrote. He's 5 years old. 

So in the morning, the kids study and take reading, piano, chess breaks respectively. My kids are avid readers but I still supplemented them with a “Book Journal” to record all they read to show to the school once school starts.

At lunch, we created an encyclopaedia reading time. 

The other things I incorporated into our days : 

  • TV Time : 2.00 PM – 3.00 PM
  • Art in the balcony: 3.00 PM – 4.00 PM
  • Exercising: 4.00 PM -5.00 PM
  • Chill Time: Play Lego, read, board game till dinner. 

I do my exercising with the kids, it encourages them to do it too. Also since I bake and cook everything myself the kids help around in the kitchen. Our housekeeper can’t come due to the lockdown so the older kids are managing respective rooms making beds, dusting and maintaining clothes. My youngest helps with the laundry. 

A mom has to keep calm even though I am scared as to how long will this last and after it what will the world be like. 

How are you keeping your kids and yourself engaged? Write in to us at We would love to know how everyone is coping with this crisis!

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