Here’s Why Dads Need To Spend More Time With Their Kids

Mommies- here is the perfect excuse to hand over the wailing baby to their daddy. We didn’t say it, science did!

It is a dream come true for every mother to see her kids spend time with their dads. Not only does it bring a smile to her face, but it also lightens her mood and gives her the much-needed break!

This Father's Day we have good news ladies! We have research results to prove that kids who spend good quality time with the fathers have a higher IQ. Strong fatherly involvement in their early life can also improve a child's future career prospects, the research shows.

The research carried out by the University of Newcastle surveyed more than 11000 British men and women, born in 1958. The scientists came to these conclusions by finding out from the moms about how much the dads spent time actively reading, playing or organizing outings with them. The findings, published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour, show that those children whose fathers spent more time with them had a higher IQ and were more socially mobile than those who had received little attention.


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The father-child bond is unfathomable and as a mom, I have seen how much ever I do or spend time with my li'l one- the minute my husband walks in, she runs happily into daddy's arms and let me confess I feel a twinge of envy! Not only with young kids. The impact of dads and paternal interests were evident on children even thirty years later in their life where dads were still involved in their child's life.

These stats reiterate the Indian values where the parent-child bond stays eternal and doesn't fade away once the child turns into an adult like in most cases in the West. Living together with parents or checking on with them frequently if staying apart are all values instilled deep in us and now science shows us the benefits!

Moms teach the kids everything in the early years but the study has proven that involvement of a second adult during childhood produces benefits in terms of skills and abilities that endure throughout adult life. These findings we hope will bring a change in the mindset of the families in our society and improve the involvement of a dad in a child's life.

Compared to before, though, we must accept that men are slowly slipping into the role of active parents.

They are interested in each step of the wife's pregnancy and once the bundle of joy arrives- they take all efforts to become the hands-on dad. From changing diapers to feeding formula to the kids – men today are more involved voluntarily and science just tells them why they should do so more! Paternity leave is a comfortable option available in most organizations and men happily avail them to spend more time with their baby. From teaching mathematics to football or explaining the animal kingdom to kids, the fathers are happy to do it.

So moms- show these stats to your man and encourage him to spend more time with the little one and frankly- here is the perfect excuse to hand over the wailing baby to her daddy!


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