Hindrances to Bed Time Stories for kids

Two-thirds of parents and grandparents (67 per cent) believe that modern technology in the home distracts them from storytelling2. 22 percent are busy with other activities at homeI think there are other reasons why a lot of kids are not read too today:1.

The Daily Express reported  that only 30% of the parents read to their children. Ever wondered why? I think today the answers are fairly easy;

1. Two-thirds of parents and grandparents (67 per cent) believe that modern technology in the home distracts them from storytelling

2. Under a third (29 per cent) are too tired for tales,

3. Another third (29 per cent) get home from work too late

4. 22 percent are busy with other activities at home

I think there are other reasons why a lot of kids are not read too today:

1. Mothers in India are too busy juggling, house hold responsibilities, parenting and social obligations

2. Long work hours

3. Long commuting times

4. TV characters are far more popular than comic or story book characters. The Audio visual medium appeals to the kids a lot more.

So parents please make it a point to read as much as you can to your children and don’t forget to read to the min as many languages as you can. Read our post on storytelling here and reading in multiple languages here

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