Indian Dads May Soon Enjoy 3 Months Of Paid Paternity Leave: UNICEF

What the UNICEF report tells us: Around 92 countries in the world do not have a paid paternity leave policy and India, is sadly, one among them. In its recommendations to the governments across the world, UNICEF has urged them to implement national family-friendly policies that support early childhood development including paid paternity leave to help provide parents with the time, resources and information they need to care for their children.

A new UNICEF report on paternity leaves across the world has some disturbing news. 2 out of every 3 infants in the world live in countries where their dads are not entitled to a single day of paid paternity leave. How do we go about the goal of reducing a mom's burden in parenting and asking the dads to show support if they do not get the required support at the workplace?

What the UNICEF report tells us:

  • Around 92 countries in the world do not have a paid paternity leave policy and India, is sadly, one among them. 
  • In its recommendations to the governments across the world, UNICEF has urged them to implement national family-friendly policies that support early childhood development – including paid paternity leave – to help provide parents with the time, resources and information they need to care for their children. 
  • And in a first of its kind- UNICEF has announced a 16 week of paid paternity leave for dads in their organisation worldwide. 
  • “We cannot be ‘For Every Child,’ if we are not also ‘For Every Parent’- the report rightly said. 

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And here's the good news:

The UNICEF report claimed how the lawmakers in India have agreed to propose a Paternity Benefit Bill" for consideration in the next session of Parliament. This bill, if implemented, would allow dads upto 3 months of paid paternity leave. Now that's a ray of good hope! 

Now we have to wait for the government to make this proposed bill and act- that parents of tomorrow will find immensely useful. 

You may also like: Here is why dads need to spend more time with kids 


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