Introduce Basic Physics Concepts To Your Preschooler With This Award Winning App!

Both Thinkrolls and Thinkrolls 2 are designed to engage the kids with the help of its bright, colourful and interactive interface that children don’t get bored with. Thinkrolls is a paid appImage source: sweetkidsappsThe no-ads, child-safe features and parental controls are impressive and unlocking new levels as they progress, meeting new and cute characters are incentives for the kids; while there could have been more badges/gifts/trophies as points for the younger lot. Though the app caters to kids 3-9 years, your children will need your help to understand how the game progresses for the first few levels at least.

If you have a preschooler at home, what are the essential skills you will want them to learn? Basic eye-hand coordination, linguistic skills, motor skills and a decent vocabulary, right? But how great would it be if you could teach your little ones the basic concepts of physics along with problem-solving techniques? And, we mean 3-4-year-olds here. Intrigued? Read on.


app for preschoolers

The app works with the underlying principle of “think before you roll”. With varying levels, the user can choose their characters (which are amazingly cute and 22 in total!) and help each of them cross the maze- it’s that simple. But they would have to clear the path needed to exit the maze using basic problem-solving and physics principles like buoyancy, gravity, friction, etc.

Thinkrolls 2:

With the increasing fan base and response to this, the makers have also come up with Thinkrolls 2, that won the Google Play Award for Best Family App. With 135 levels for children under 5 years and 135 levels for kids from 5-9 years, this app is a sure win for the kids!

What’s special for kids?

app for kids ksp review

  • Thinkrolls is one addictive app you wouldn’t mind the kids playing. Why fret when you kids can learn some physics as they play with cookie-munching characters?!
  • Both Thinkrolls and Thinkrolls 2 are designed to engage the kids with the help of its bright, colourful and interactive interface that children don’t get bored with.
  • The seamless integration of the basic concepts of physics is what works in its favour. Your child doesn’t have to wait for the 5th/6th grade to start learning how buoyancy, gravity, electromagnetism and friction come to play in daily life.
  • This app has 270 levels and 6-player options to think, plan and complete successfully.
  • Thinkrolls is a paid app

thinkrolls app for kids

Image source: sweetkidsapps

The no-ads, child-safe features and parental controls are impressive and unlocking new levels as they progress, meeting new and cute characters are incentives for the kids; while there could have been more badges/gifts/trophies as points for the younger lot.

Though the app caters to kids 3-9 years, your children will need your help to understand how the game progresses for the first few levels at least.

Download the app:

Thinkrolls: iOS and Android

Thinkrolls 2: iOS and Android

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