Jennifer Lawrence: “It’s Scary To Talk About Motherhood”

Jennifer Lawrence, in her recent Vogue interview opened up on the joys and struggles of parenting, and why women need a louder voice in today’s society

The elation, the suspense, the fear, and everything that consumes you when you realise you are pregnant- the conundrum of these feelings are common to all. But what emotion strikes you when- now that differs for each mom and how! Your hormones go into a whole whirlpool and you are not quite sure how to answer when someone asks “how are you feeling?”!

Jennifer Lawrence, Hollywood’s powerhouse of talent who has made heads turn with her performances, is a mom- one that ranks top among her other identities. We fell in love with her recent Vogue interview, where she speaks about motherhood, how she felt about it, and the emotions that engulfed her among other things. She has been fiercely private about her family and in this interview opened up that she has a 7-month old boy, Cy, and opened up on the hoys and struggles of parenting.

Here are my favourites from the interview:

“It’s Scary To Talk About Motherhood”

When everyone is happy for you, there’s so much joy around you- is it okay to feel a bit threatened or anxious or plain worried about what’s in store? Or are we scared to let our emotions get the better of us? I am sure, as moms we have learnt quite a bit, to shove those feeling deep down, lest society judges us for being pessimistic.

So when a star like Lawrence speaks up on motherhood, it is a welcome change. She approaches it blatantly, no-holds-barred and in her own true style.

“It’s so scary to talk about motherhood. Only because it’s so different for everybody. If I say, It was amazing from the start, some people will think, It wasn’t amazing for me at first, and feel bad. Fortunately I have so many girlfriends who were honest. Who were like, It’s scary. You might not connect right away. You might not fall in love right away. 

“Will I Love The Baby More Than My Cat?!”

I am not going to ask you to raise your hands and show me, but we all know, deep down (hand-to-heart) that we wondered if we would love this baby the way we are expected to. Be it the first or second child, these vague doubts do creep into the mind- you can blame it on the pregnancy brain, but the fact is they do come! And we loved it when Jennifer Lawrence put a witty spin on this!

I remember walking with one of my best friends at, like, nine months, and being like, Everyone keeps saying that I will love my baby more than my cat. But that’s not true. Maybe I’ll love him as much as my cat?” But she did fall in love right away, and it does seem she loves her baby more than she loves her cat: “The morning after I gave birth, I felt like my whole life had started over. Like, Now is day one of my life. I just stared. I was just so in love. I also fell in love with all babies everywhere. Newborns are just so amazing. They’re these pink, swollen, fragile little survivors. Now I love all babies. Now I hear a baby crying in a restaurant and I’m like, Awwww, preciousssss.

On Women’s Equality & Roe vs Wade Verdict

In a major step backward for women’s rights in the U.S., the Supreme Court reversed the landmark Roe v. Wade judgment, I am sure most of us are wondering what our legal system has to say.

Jennifer Lawrence didn’t mince any words when it came to standing up for women’s rights, equality, and the freedom to make a choice.

“It breaks my heart because America had the choice between a woman and a dangerous, dangerous jar of mayonnaise. And they were like, Well, we can’t have a woman. Let’s go with the jar of mayonnaise.” And now, thanks to Supreme Court justices appointed by that dangerous jar of mayonnaise, the unthinkable had happened. “I don’t want to disparage my family, but I know that a lot of people are in a similar position with their families. How could you raise a daughter from birth and believe that she doesn’t deserve equality? How?

As someone who has unfortunately witnessed miscarriages when she was in her 20s, Lawrence speaks up on why it is important for women to have and make the right about their bodies and the decision to go ahead with the baby.

“I remember a million times thinking about it while I was pregnant. Thinking about the things that were happening to my body. And I had a great pregnancy. I had a very fortunate pregnancy. But every single second of my life was different. And it would occur to me sometimes: What if I was forced to do this?”

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