Kidsstoppress wins the Best Parenting Blog in India

At the Blogadda awards this Sunday when a lot of renowned bloggers spoke it sounded like a daja vu when they all said ” When I first told people I was a blogger they said that’s great but what do you do?” Two and half years later it feels good that I haven’t skipped a single weekday of writing and sharing posts through Kidsstoppress. The award to a lot of people would mean they are the best but to me it means you worked hard and we are just recognizing that. For making my dream of sharing all that kids finally on a single platform possible.

Best Parenting blog in India at blogadda awards 400 x 400

Its 2 days already and the feeling hasn’t still sunk in. Everybody is happy and the wishes and congratulatory messages still haven’t stopped coming in. It feels good! But I have to be honest that maybe the feeling is taking longer to sink in because I am still thinking of the journey it has been so far. Incredible!

At the Blogadda awards this Sunday when a lot of renowned bloggers spoke it sounded like a daja vu when they all said ” When I first told people I was a blogger they said that’s great but what do you do?” That’s exactly the reaction I received from a lot of people and maybe still do. People thought I was nuts to leave a fancy job and start something on my own to begin with and then to top it all a parenting website.

I don’t know what it was within me that just told me stay at it and don’t give up. In my mind blogging was never once a month or once a week or something that I would do at my leisure time. It was doing it everyday and believing that I am working each day. Two and half years later it feels good that I haven’t skipped a single weekday of writing and sharing posts through Kidsstoppress. When I was sick, when my kids were sick or even when I delivered my second baby. It was all good and going strong through those times too. I remember waiting outside classes, or outside my daughters school or just about anywhere and just working on my phone like this was just what I was meant to do. I didn’t let myself take it easy at all.

The award to a lot of people would mean they are the best but to me it means you worked hard and we are just recognizing that. That’s what we all seek right,recognition for our hard work. It also means that if you keep working there will be more rewards ahead in which ever form they would be.

Right from the time I was nominated to making it to the Top 5 and then finally winning it, for once I wasn’t anxious like I how I would usually be. I don’t know why but I am honest that I wasn’t.  Finally walking up to the stage and receiving my award and then walking back all I was thinking of was my kids. After all they are the inspiration and reason behind .

Finally my learning’s from this award:

1. Work hard, clearly there is no substitute to hard work

2. Believe in yourself even if others don’t

3. To all mother in laws be like mine. support your daughter in laws as much as your son.

4. Commitment, commitment, commitment

I would like to thank all the readers for supporting Kidsstoppress, reading, sharing and participating in all our contests. For making my dream of sharing all that kids finally on a single platform possible.

Happy Parenting



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