Kourtney Kardashian’s Instagram Pics Show She Is A Mom #Justlikeus!

So while we are all caught up on Kim K’s life what with the birth of her new baby Saint, and dad Kanye West’s new album making headlines, we thought of turning our attention to older sister Kourtney Kardashian. We honestly love just how strong Kourtney has been with all the recent events in her life, what with her split from beau Scott Disick and her having to bring up three children as a single mom.

C’mon admit it, your guilty pleasure is binge watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians right? Whether you like them or not, whether you agree with their brand of celebrity or not, there is no denying the effect they have on popular culture.

So while we are all caught up on Kim K’s life what with the birth of her new baby Saint, and dad Kanye West’s new album making headlines, we thought of turning our attention to older sister Kourtney Kardashian.

We honestly love just how strong Kourtney has been with all the recent events in her life, what with her split from beau Scott Disick and her having to bring up three children as a single mom. Through all that and more Kourtney has emerged strong and powerful. We are simply crushing over all her Instagram pics and social media shout outs and can’t believe she is a mom #justlikeus! Take a look at these pics from her Instagram feed.

We love that she regularly shares the books her kids have chosen to read before bedtime.


Don’t you just love her lunch dates?




Or her getting one last snuggle in before waking up her kids for the day?


Or how about this one? Simply captures a day in every new mom’s life.


From piggy back rides, to play date runs, this mom dotes on her kids and we are loving catching glimpses of it!



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