KSP Book Club: The Big Bed

You may also like: Bunmi Laditan’s hilarious take on food and toddlers- watch this videoWhat book are we talking about:The book we are discussing in #KSPBookClub today is The Big Bed by Bunmi Laditan The book is published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Bunmi Laditan- Internet’s favourite mom and the creator of The Honest Toddler- is back with this latest book- one where she beautifully narrates how a smart little kid doesn’t quite agree with the concept of co-sleeping and how dad needs to find his own bed elsewhere!

Make a list of all the unreasonable demands our toddlers have-and we are sure it is going to be endless. From getting the square-shaped sandwich to the balloon only in a bright yellow colour- they have their own strong needs and parenting is a tight-rope walk through these demands! Today in KSP Book Club, we are going to see all about the latest book from Internet's favourite mom-Bunmi Laditan for kids 4 years and above.

You may also like: Bunmi Laditan's hilarious take on food and toddlers- watch this video 

What book are we talking about:

The book we are discussing in #KSPBookClub today is The Big Bed by Bunmi Laditan The book is published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Buy the book here. 

What is this book about:

Every parent who has survived the toddler phase- knows exactly what it means by getting a good, quality sleep- 'coz we have never had it! From being kicked into the eye while deep in sleep to being pushed to the corner of the bed- let me tell you- there is no fun in sharing your bed with a toddler! Unlike newborns who don't plot and plan things (except maybe, wake up 18,273 times in the night), toddlers are super smart creatures who know how to go about what they want- mercilessly!

Bunmi Laditan– Internet's favourite mom and the creator of The Honest Toddler- is back with this latest book- one where she beautifully narrates how a smart little kid doesn't quite agree with the concept of co-sleeping and how dad needs to find his own bed elsewhere! 

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Why is this book on our shelf:

  • When it comes to describing the trials and tribulations of a parent- there's none better than Bunmi Laditan! Foraying into the picture book world, the creator of The Honest Toddler, aces this with a hilarious storyline- told from the point of view of the smart toddler.
  • Who does the mom actually belong to? Dad or the child- this book raises the elephant in the room in a witty and funny manner- and the answers are for you to find out!
  • The illustrations are lovely and you and the children can enjoy a hearty laugh before going to bed reading this book! If you are not co-sleeping- beware your little ones are sure to pick up an idea or two from the little girl in the book!

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