Moms pictures of her one handed daughter can inspire all of us

Each images is so beautifully thought through that the hand even though is such an important elements performing or playing a role in every image does not jar out and fits in so seamlessly.

Mom, Holly Spring took up photography after her daughter struggled early on in life with Hirschsprung’s Disease and no left hand. While you will be taken aback from the pictures and the moms creativity the point that you must not and cannot miss is there are no limitations to creativity. Each images is so beautifully thought through that the hand even though is such an important elements performing or playing a role in every image does not jar out and fits in so seamlessly. The message Holly wants to share with her daughter is ‘believe in yourself’ . “My daughter is my muse and my heart that inspires me to follow my passion and share these unique photos and digital art with you,â€_x009d_ says Holly.
Her photography won the NZIPP/Epson Iris Portrait Creative Photographer of the Year award in 2014.


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