Stylish Moms comfortable footwear

We need to sit in awkward positions, we need to look stylish, it needs to be easy to slip on and off, not too attractive that kids want to step into it and ruin it, match with dress, jeans, leggings, shorts and just about everything.

Mommies lets put our best foot forward! Crocs India have launched a brilliant stylish mommy range that screams comfort. Footwear for moms needs to be designed as intrinsically as a child’s footwear. We need to sit in awkward positions, we need to look stylish, it needs to be easy to slip on and off, not too attractive that kids want to step into it and ruin it, match with dress, jeans, leggings, shorts and just about everything. Phew! Well the list is long but we are moms and we stop for nothing less than perfect 🙂

So here are a few styles from their latest collection!



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