Talk | How to build your brand in the digital age?

Watch the experts share their take on how to rise and shine in the digital era.

In today’s digital age you can’t escape being an active part of social media if you want your business to be successful. At the KSP Awards 2016, Mansi Zaveri asked some industry leaders what they felt was required to build a successful brand today.

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Harshit Karia of Schbang thinks it’s important to strike a balance and figure which media platform works best for your business. Rohina Anand Khira of AA Living is addicted to Instagram. She feels people in this day and age like short engagements – something like a visual newspaper to scroll and read. As per Akshata Udiaver from Family & Learning Youtube, people today are able to express themselves across various platforms and all engagements will depend on the theme of your business; Smita Basu Roy, GM Corporate Communications, Godrej feels that with the changes in the digital world, they now have a great way to build personal relationships with their clients.

Watch the video to know how all these people have made their business a success using various social platforms and what is it that everyone should watch out for in 2017.

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