Terrarium: The Eco Gift by Eco Kids

Terrarium are small plants decorated with soil and stones in a glass bowl that makes it an ideal gifting idea for any occasion. The minimal care required makes it practical and easy for parents so its not eventually the mom whose taking care if the kid loses interestCare instructions for your terrariumsCaring for your terrarium is easy. We would have loved to see a lot more terrariums with colourful flowers that generate interest & curiosity among the kids.


Eco kids has always found ways to make our lives greener by the day, be it products or even birthdays. They have now gone one step further and introduced Eco friendly Gifts! Terrarium are small plants decorated with soil and stones in a glass bowl that makes it an ideal gifting idea for any occasion. Kids often get attached to the plants and anxiously wait for them to grow. These work as fantastic birthday gifts. The minimal care required makes it practical and easy for parents so its not eventually the mom whose taking care if the kid loses interest

  Care instructions for your terrariums

  • Caring for your terrarium is easy. Check every couple of weeks to see if your terrarium needs water. Feel the soil to see if it is dry and add water if it is.
  • If your terrarium is closed, take off the top at least once a month to air it out. If you see lots of condensation or have added too much water, leave the top off until it has had a chance to dry out.
  • Pull off any leaves that show signs of yellowing or damage and prune plants if they grow too large.
  • Don’t fertilize your terrarium because you don’t want to encourage growth.
  • A closed terrarium would only require watering once in a few months. An open terrarium could be lightly spray watered twice in a week.
  • Excessive water would promote root rot and disease.
  • Terrariums do not require any direct sunlight, but a lot of light in the location that it is placed is ideal.
  • It is advisable to occasionally turn the container, as all plants grow towards the light.

Just follow these instructions and you will see how easy it is to create and enjoy these miniature eco-systems. Making a terrarium is also a wonderful way for children to learn about nature and care about the environment that we all live in. We would have loved to see a lot more terrariums with colourful flowers that generate interest & curiosity among the kids.

So if you would love something different, eco friendly and something your kids will just love then this one’s just what you need. Lets get our kids closer to nature and enjoy small joys of life.

Price: Rs 600/-

Email: smita@ecokids.in

Facebook: Ecokids

Mobile: +919821127658

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