The Evolution Of Mom Fashion (Or The Uniform Fashion Code That All Moms Follow!)

While Kareena Kapoor’s maternity wardrobe is giving fashion goals for every mommy -to-be, here is the truth motherhood is an extremely demanding role and “dressing up” can soon become your last priority when you have a baby in your arms, thus forcing busy moms to come up with innovative ways to look trendy and fashionable. 4) The bechara stole, scarf or the humble dupatta – Years ago a stole was just a winter accessory that women flaunted to look fashionable, but now-a- days every mom is guilty of exploiting and over-using this small piece of cloth to serve their selfish needs like hiding the food stains on their dress, using it as a napkin or a feeding cape, and most of the times to hide the sagging bust especially at the end of the tiring day when you finally decide to go braless!

While Kareena Kapoor’s maternity wardrobe is giving fashion goals for every mommy -to-be, here is the truth motherhood is an extremely demanding role and “dressing up” can soon become your last priority when you have a baby in your arms, thus forcing busy moms to come up with innovative ways to look trendy and fashionable.

KSP takes a long, fond look at the evolution of mom fashion and what moms really wear!

Here is what goes into creating the trademark mommy look!

1) The anytime, anywhere MOM BUN – Because good hair days are rare when you are a busy mom, thanks to the low-maintenance ‘mom bun’ which can hold an unlimited amount of oily, greasy hair perfectly until you can take a few extra minutes in the bathroom to wash, shampoo and condition your hair.


Image source: Twitter

2) The multi-purpose kaala chashmaNo, we don’t wear huge sunglasses just because they are trendy, in fact most of the time there is a lot more stuff hiding behind those great looking sunglasses like – dark circles, wrinkles and sometimes even the thick, bushy eyebrows when a visit to a beauty parlour is long overdue.


Image source:www.

3) The supermom costume  Every mom has this favourite to go outfit of the day that she is normally seen wearing to the bhaji market, while dropping the kids to school, when she is at the park with them, you name it. The same old t-shirt and jeans is the  perfect #OOTD  for all occasions, simply because busy moms have no time to even think of what to wear!


4) The bechara stole, scarf or the humble dupatta  – Years ago a stole was just a winter accessory that women flaunted to look fashionable, but now-a- days every mom is guilty of exploiting and over-using this small piece of cloth to serve their selfish needs like hiding the food stains on their dress, using it as a napkin or a feeding cape, and most of the times to hide the  sagging bust especially at the end of the tiring day when you finally decide to go braless!


Image source:Keep Calm-o-Matic

5) Leggings  Here is the indisputable fact- leggings are every moms best friend. Firstly, they help moms to hide those legs that have not seen a razor for ages. Second, leggings allow moms to move freely while chasing  the kids, while running behind the school bus and last but not the least, they make your legs look skinny. Need we say more?


Image source:Reddit

6) Mom jeans


Jeans that are named for mom? We love them! These high waisted, totally unchic pieces of denim can hide muffin tops, and take eyes away (?) from big, bulgy untoned bottoms. Of course, we love them! Especially since President Barack Obama has endorsed them too!

Image source:BuzzFeed

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