The Most Common Things All New Parents Argue About! Do You Agree?

For one thing, we have differing viewpoints; for another, the honeymoon period is definitely over; and lastly, as is the case with most well-read and intelligent people, we all think we know whats best for our kid because we read a few things. Those major things and topics, we discuss and speak about, and generally arrive at what we think is a sensible and well thought out solution; something we both agree on is best for Kian.

Kian’s been around with us for 13 months now. We’ve loved every minute of it (well, except for the sleepless nights maybe). But there are moments when we realise that we are now disagreeing more than before, arguing more than before and voicing our differences more than before. For one thing, we have differing viewpoints; for another, the ‘honeymoon period’ is definitely over; and lastly, as is the case with most well-read and intelligent people, we all think we know what’s best for our kid because we read a few things.

It’s not like these are major disagreements or arguments… it’s about small, useless and petty stuff. Interestingly, on the big matters and important stuff, we are closely aligned. Those major things and topics, we discuss and speak about, and generally arrive at what we think is a sensible and well thought out solution; something we both agree on is best for Kian. But then you wonder why we disagree on what is essentially useless stuff.

So, for the fun of it (and at the expense of airing our funny laundry in public), here is a sample of some of the things we argue about or disagree on… Do these sound familiar to all you other parents out there? What else do you disagree about?

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