This Breakfast Cereal Adds A Twist In The Tale To Age Old Goodness. Try It Now!

Apart from being a healthy breakfast option, Soulfull also lets you revisit some good old fables to keep your kid entertained while eating. The Story Behind SoulfullPinning their hopes and trust on good old grains like ragi, oats, millets and flakes, Soulfull’s breakfast cereal was quite a page turner. The #OnceUponabreakfast campaign houses some of the best age-old fables, but with a new twist which mommies can swear by to impart great values along with good nutrition to their children in the morning. Just like how Soulfull has given a tasty twist to the otherwise humble grains, the brand has travelled an extra mile and rewritten good old fables like The Hare and The Tortoise, Country Mouse and The City Mouse, Little Red Riding Hood etc, making them more enjoyable and relevant.

One thing every parent will agree upon is the never ending meal battles we wage with our little ones. From resorting to cartoons, games and even child-friendly tablets, mommies go to any length to divert their kids and get that morsel down their throat. Well, but nothing can beat a mother’s ability to cook up the best of stories, which in fact, have her kids begging for more. Soulfull makes this task easier with their #OnceUponabreakfast campaign.

Apart from being a healthy breakfast option, Soulfull also lets you revisit some good old fables to keep your kid entertained while eating. What’s better, these fables are brought to you with a slight twist, to fit in the current day’s ideologies.

The Story Behind Soulfull

Pinning their hopes and trust on good old grains like ragi, oats, millets and flakes, Soulfull’s breakfast cereal was quite a page turner. While one may not hear of any classic mystery, thriller or any love story, Soulfull’s story sure had a ‘save the world’ angle to it. It started off in 2011 under the name Kottaram Agro Foods Pvt Ltd and then later went on to become the very famous breakfast member of every family – Soulfull!


Every mom thinks twice before reaching for convenient, sugar laced breakfast cereals. And it is true that we are always looking for better options. Now there is! Imagine the goodness of age old food wisdom, coupled with new age flavours and packaged in a way moms and kids will enjoy? Soulfull cereals have not only started their journey with helping kids on the path of nutritious breakfast but they have also extended a helping hand in imparting the right values in kids. Wondering how? The #OnceUponabreakfast campaign houses some of the best age-old fables, but with a new twist which mommies can swear by to impart great values along with good nutrition to their children in the morning. Just like how Soulfull has given a tasty twist to the otherwise humble grains, the brand has travelled an extra mile and rewritten good old fables like The Hare and The Tortoise, Country Mouse and The City Mouse, Little Red Riding Hood etc, making them more enjoyable and relevant.

Soulfull Products

Soulfull products trace their ingredients back to your grandmother’s kitchen, thereby bringing back the roots! Ragi, millet muesli, oatmeal and rago (a cereal which combines the goodness of oats and ragi) are the predominant grains used in their breakfast products. What makes Soulfull stand apart is the flavoured twist that bursts into your mouth while eating. That aside, their products are gluten-free, natural, honest and genuine or in other words contain no artificial preservatives.

Why You Should Give Soulfull A Try?

1. If you are a working mommy, who is struggling hard to serve your family a healthy breakfast, then this is your go-to food.

2. Through Soulfull, you can introduce ragi, millets and other grains in a wholesome and healthy way, rather than just the traditional khichdi and poha.

3. Lastly, they are not bland and boring as grains are considered to be. They come in chocolate, strawberry, and other flavours, so your little one can completely enjoy the meal without throwing a fit.

What We Would Like To See

1. As of now, the brand focuses on a few grains, but including more variety will help mommies introduce these grains too, to their kids.

2. The new twist on cereal was a revealation! So we would love to see how far we can stretch this healthy eating and like to see it extend to products like granola bars, toasted cereal for on the go snacks, ragi bread and even health drinks.

This post is in association with Soulfull Foods

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