This Is Our Family’s Biggest De-Stressor. What’s Yours?

Play your favourite songs in loud volume and forget the homework, deadlines, meals, etc for a brief while and dance your worries away!

After a hard day's work at office and school, we all tend to crash in the sofa in our living room at the end of the day. Homeworks and meals are done and on most days we either laze around watching our favourite cartoon shows or movies together. And on other days, we look to do things together as a family that help us bond better and de-stress as well. It's either baking or a musical jamming session or a board game together. But our recent favourite has to be dancing together! 

Whether you are well-trained or not, doesn't matter. Just shed your inhibitions and enjoy a fun dance session with your kids. Play your favourite songs in loud volume and forget the homework, deadlines, meals, etc for a brief while and dance your worries away!

Our recent favourite is this catchy tune by Nickelodeon India that my kids keep humming through the day. We can't wait to catch the Kids’ Choice Awards 2018 on 6th January, 2019 at 6:30 PM only on Nick. 

What are your favourite songs to dance together with your kids? Tell us in the comments below. 



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