This Mom Lived Through 7 Months Of Morning Sickness And Tells You How To Deal With It

Here are some tips on how to deal with morning sickness:Do not underestimate morning sickness when planning a pregnancy: While it is good to hope for the best, one also needs to prepare for the worst. Keeping things in perspective: If you like to do research on the internet, most sites will tell you to eat healthy and recommend certain foods for morning sickness. But my morning sickness lasted 7 months and on really bad days, I would not be able to keep any food down and throw up over eight times in a day. So to all you expectant mothers, try to stay cheerful and hope you are one of the many women who morning sickness will bother only for a couple of months, if at all.

Kanika G is a mother and the author of the Tania series of books, a series she started to entertain her daughter. In the Tania series, Kanika writes the experiences of a schoolgirl named Tania and uses simple everyday experiences for the plots that, though completely fictitious, could very well be true. Her daughter is her biggest critic and helps her with constructive criticism. Writing the books has helped mother and daughter bond and spend a lot of time together. 


I have been through two pregnancies and I have to say that, for me, morning sickness was the most unpleasant part of it all. Morning sickness can last for up to 8 months and can be quite severe. While some women are lucky enough not to experience it at all, others have to endure it all day for several months. It is particularly hard to deal with when you are trying to put on weight through your pregnancy.

Here are some tips on how to deal with morning sickness:

Do not underestimate morning sickness when planning a pregnancy: While it is good to hope for the best, one also needs to prepare for the worst. If you plan to work through your pregnancy be prepared to be feeling sick and nauseous all day for several months. On the other hand if you really enjoy your work, it can be an excellent distraction from the nausea.

Keeping things in perspective: If you like to do research on the internet, most sites will tell you to eat healthy and recommend certain foods for morning sickness. I am no doctor, but that can be annoying. It is bad enough that almost any smell is worse than you remember it being, but add that to a sensation of wanting to throw up and you know you have a bad situation on hand. But you need to continue eating, so don’t worry if you need to be on a steady diet of white bread and potato fries for a few days. It will not harm your baby.

Experiment and see what works for YOU: Every person is different and little is understood about morning sickness. But that does not stop people from generously doling out advice. Some suggest following the latest research and others suggest age old remedies. For example, many recommend ginger tea. In my case ginger tea made things worse. High fibre and proteins are also commonly recommended. For me peanuts helped but channa definitely did not. I also used the acupressure band on the wrist. While many swear by it, I only got mild relief. Distractions like reading a good book, or watching television really helped.

Are there safe drugs? During my second pregnancy a drug was available for morning sickness. It was just approved a year before I go pregnant. I am not comfortable with taking drugs that are newly approved because sometimes their long term effects are not known. But my morning sickness lasted 7 months and on really bad days, I would not be able to keep any food down and throw up over eight times in a day. On those particularly bad days I did resort to taking medication. Decide what works for you and educate yourself before you try a new medicine.

This too will pass: Finally it is good to remember that this too will pass. Eight months feels like forever when you are feeling sick everyday. But it does end.

So to all you expectant mothers, try to stay cheerful and hope you are one of the many women who morning sickness will bother only for a couple of months, if at all. Good luck with your pregnancy and parenting.

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