Tips | Sneha Prasanna On How To Enjoy Motherhood

We caught up with celebrity actress and mom- Sneha Prasanna at the launch event of Comfort Pure- an exclusive fabric conditioner for your baby’s clothes, and we realised that celeb moms are a lot like us! There are no hard and fast rules and every child is different, Sneha explains as she tells us why your baby’s skin care is pivotal and needs the best care.

Parenting is tough, we know that! How do celeb moms handle it? Is it any different? Do they face the same challenges that moms like you and I face every day? We caught up with celebrity actress and mom- Sneha Prasanna at the launch event of Comfort Pure- an exclusive fabric conditioner for your baby's clothes, and we realised that celeb moms are a lot like us!

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In this candid chat, Sneha tells us how she was paranoid as a new mom, when her son Vihaan was born- about the dos and don'ts she practised and how she made it through! She explains why every expectant mom should go about with the routine exercise, yoga and meditation too beat the stress and stay fit- but also just learn to enjoy the journey of pregnancy.

There are no hard and fast rules and every child is different, Sneha explains as she tells us why your baby's skin care is pivotal and needs the best care. 

Watch this video to know what Sneha thinks about pregnancy, mommyhood and parenting, in general! 

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This post is written in association with Comfort Pure.

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