Victoria Beckham admits feeling guilty for being a working mom

Take Victoria Beckham for example, who has four children, a thriving fashion career, and one of the busiest schedules, recently told Vogue China:Its a huge juggling act, when you are a working mother and looking after your family. Despite her guilt at being away from her children, she feels that its important for her to keep on working as her work empowers women, making them feel sexy and independent, confident and motivated, This is what makes Victoria feel so good about her work.

vic beckh

Even though most stay-at-home working moms, who types all day with their kids within arms reach, believe it or not, they too have working mom guilt, too. Sure, the kids are with us 24 hours a day — but how many times have you told them, “Not now,â€_x009d_ “I’m busy,â€_x009d_ or “Just give me ten more minutes!â€_x009d_ As any working at home moms will tell you, trying to get your work done while keeping the kids entertained is no easy walk in the park! We have to realize that, we have only a few more years until our kids go to school full-time and we finally get to relax while working at home. In the meantime, it’s just finding time for our loved ones while we stare at our computer screens. 

Our celeb mommas too are not spared. There are a good handful of celebrity moms that feel the exact same way when it comes to working mom guilt. Take Victoria Beckham for example, who has four children, a thriving fashion career, and one of the busiest schedules, recently told Vogue China:

“It’s a huge juggling act, when you are a working mother and looking after your family. Millions and millions of women around the world are doing this every day, but it’s not easy and yes, you feel guilty every time you walk out of the door to go to work.â€_x009d_

victoria vogue cover

Despite her guilt at being away from her children, she feels that it’s important for her to keep on working as her work empowers women, making them feel sexy and independent, confident and motivated, This is what makes Victoria feel so good about her work.

She also adds:

“My children are my priority and always have been. I’m up early in the morning doing spelling tests and maths quizzes before the school run, then up late with a baby and a 14-year-old who refuses to go to bed — Brooklyn. I love having children in the office. Mine are always running around.

“I had one of those swingy chairs for Harper in my office and she’d bounce one way and swing into a roll of fabric and then bounce the other way and crash into a bag of samples.â€_x009d_

Inspite of feeling torn apart, she loves being involved with her children and she always finds the time to be with them by working around her hectic schedule.

But is there a real solution to balancing the dual responsibilities of work and family? Is it all about priorities and sacrifices? Is there a medicine that can take away the guilt or are we stuck with it forever? Do share with us your experiences or tips on managing the work- life balance?

Sources: Babble, Baby Centre, Vogue China, Marie Claire, LaineyGossip





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