Video Watch: These dolls have ‘imperfections’ and the kids don’t have a problem with it

The dolls are in average shape of a 19-year-old American girl that come with reusable stickers that allow kids to add “marks” to their dolls — from acne and stretch marks to mosquito bites, bandages, and more. As one student rightly said that its better from a younger age to know that these marks are okay to grow up with and there is nothing to be ashamed about.

This video made us realise that the toy industry is now changing and for the better. We have seen some really cool doll innovations in the past but this one seems the most realistic ones. It connect children to reality. It connects them with life and experiences of places. You go camping you get a bite, you are a teenager it’s okay to get acne. These new Lammily” dolls were released in November and come with a pack of stickers. And they are not glamourous apparels or footwear you can dress up your doll in. The dolls are in average shape of a 19-year-old American girl that come with reusable stickers that allow kids to add “marks” to their dolls — from acne and stretch marks to mosquito bites, bandages, and more. Yes, they are the perfectly normal marks we all deal with daily.

The video is insightful and tells us that children embrace changes and imperfections so easily versus us adults who take much longer to come to terms with it.

As one student rightly said that its better from a younger age to know that these marks are okay to grow up with and there is nothing to be ashamed about. The earlier you accept the marks, the easier it is to grow up with it.

Watch the video to know how 2nd graders and 7th graders reacted to the dolls:

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