Videos to teach phonics to a preschooler

Start with the alphabet identification video and move on to the sounds and songs Phase 1 phase 2 phase 3 great book that I would recommend if your child already knows phonics and is attempting to read independently is The books by Intellitots.

Here is a fun video that will help teach your kids phonics in a great fun and easy way.

Start with the alphabet identification video and move on to the sounds and songs

Phonics Phase 1

Phonics phase 2

Phonics phase 3


A great book that I would recommend if your child already knows phonics and is attempting to read independently is The books by Intellitots. Read the review here 

We are sure you will find these  videos extremely useful and your kids will enjoy it even more. Do share with us if you have found any fun videos to teach phonics. This is a website for the parents and we would love to know your ideas and feedback. If you would like to contribute and share your ideas please write to us at . You can also share your ideas on facebook HERE or follow us on Twitter here

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