Why Dads Don’t Like Sharenting And What You Can Do Instead

The day my older daughter was born, my wife and I decided there would be no photos on social media until she was at least a year old.

The day my older daughter was born, my wife and I decided there would be no photos on social media until she was at least a year old. That we didn’t stick to the embargo is another story, but we still maintain a pretty good track record. But I digress. On the same day, another new mother who was within earshot was proudly proclaiming that she’d updated everything on Facebook with pictures of her newborn child. Mind you, this child was not yet a day old.

One of my bosses at work, nearly a decade ago, was the first one who spoke about how people over-share. Her son’s images, who at the time was a few months old, were in great demand on social media. She would encourage those people to either come over to her place or the family’s usual hang out locations to meet him. I’d never thought about it until about four and a half years ago when I became a father for the first time.


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