Why I Choose To Only Have One Child

I have often heard, ‘Are you sure you are one and done?’, ‘How can you do this to your child?’. ‘Your parents gave you a sibling’, ‘They will learn how to share’ and a lot more. But do you feel one and done? Here’s what we think of it.

I have often heard, 'Are you sure you are one and done?', 'How can you do this to your child?'. 'Your parents gave you a sibling', 'They will learn how to share' and a lot more. But my husband and I never know how to say, "We really are one and done"

Does that mean we are bad parents? Sure, no. It also doesn't mean we are selfish. We definitely don't need to please the world by getting a second child. We are the best people to know what is right for our family.

But sometimes I worry and I don't know if this is the right path for me. What if I regret it later. Hence, I asked other parents about what their take was. That's when I found out, I wasn't alone. Today, we list out our main concerns before taking this decision. 

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