Wildlife Travel Diaries: Safari Vlog To Ranthambore

This 2017, if you are planning a long weekend getaway from the maddening city life, Ranthambore should be an option that will top the list! Here is a vlog of our family holiday to Ranthambore and it tells you why your kids will love it! Home to the National Animal of India, Ranthambore boasts of huge tiger population and other animals like chinkaras, black bucks, bears, sambar deer etc.

Family holidays are always fun! And when a spectacular destination is on the cards- the holiday only gets better! This 2017, if you are planning a long weekend getaway from the maddening city life, Ranthambore should be an option that will top the list! Here is a vlog of our family holiday to Ranthambore and it tells you why your kids will love it!

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Day 1

We arrived at Sawai Mahdopur at 5.30 AM and it was freezing cold! We checked into the beautiful Tigress SPA and Resort, Ranthambore with five other families that is located about 20-30 minutes away from the forest gates. The food ( very important) was really good and child-friendly. The staff there were extremely polite and courteous. The kids had so much fun climbing trees and picking guavas – things which we forget to do and enjoy living in the city. The first day wound with all of us retiring a little early. The kids played indoors with the travel packs we had got for them.

Day 2

The next morning everyone was up and ready, all excited for our first tiger sighting. The Ranthambore National Park is one of the biggest national parks in North India. Home to the National Animal of India, Ranthambore boasts of huge tiger population and other animals like chinkaras, black bucks, bears, sambar deer etc. to name a few. If you want to show a tiger to your kids, Ranthambore in the winter is where you should go. With its sparse vegetation at this time of the year, spotting a tiger becomes much easier. We did get to see tiger pug marks but no tiger. No worries! We still have more safaris to do.

Day 3

Hoping to be third time lucky we headed out again. However, we did not spot any tigers on this trip. We did see sloth bears though which are rare sightings and the kids got super excited!

We may not have seen the Royal Tiger but we made some beautiful memories and had loads of fun.  The kids will be happy to go back any time, as would we.

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