Your Kids Can Learn 30 Languages With Just This One App!

Developed by two friends, Yono and Alice, who were keen to teach their kids their heritage languages, this app teaches your kids new languages in the guise of games and stories. as the story progresses, the friendly owl, Gus teaches your kids new words and when you are finally done with the story, your child can enjoy some fun time with the built-in game. What makes this app special:The app is built to teach your kids (preferably 2 years and above) around 30 new languages and we hear that we can expect more in the coming months.

We always loved to learn a new language and now my daughter, just 4 years old, has taken after us and talks 3 languages at ease. It is a known fact that your child’s brain is receptive to new things and can learn much quicker at a younger age than later. I was particular that she must pick up a  new language– just to give the little grey cells some work and for the joy of communicating in a new language! But at the same time, every mom would agree the ordeal we face on getting our kids to sit down and do their homework on learn math, or anything for that instance! Teaching her a new language should be a seamless process- fun and educative, my husband insisted. And he suggested Gus on the Go!

What is Gus on the Go:

app to learn new language

Gus on the Go describes itself as a language learning adventure and it truly is! This top rated app helps your kids learn more than 30 languages in a fun and engaging way and in a process that is very simple to comprehend. Developed by two friends, Yono and Alice, who were keen to teach their kids their heritage languages, this app teaches your kids new languages in the guise of games and stories. How cool is that?!

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How does it work:

app to learn new language

The app is designed in a very easy-to-understand way. Your child gets to select the language they desire to learn and then will have to select a story from the list available. Once that’s done, the characters in the story are introduced one by one and the language learning begins here, in the form of simple sentences and character description. as the story progresses, the friendly owl, Gus teaches your kids new words and when you are finally done with the story, your child can enjoy some fun time with the built-in game. Cross new levels, collect points and progress in the path to learning- it’s that simple!

What makes this app special: 

app to learn new language

  • The app is built to teach your kids  (preferably 2 years and above) around 30 new languages and we hear that we can expect more in the coming months. Can’t wait!
  • The child-friendly narration by the owl- Gus is sure to make you go aww and your children all excited! Each level is explained clearly so that you don’t find it difficult and the journey is instead seamless.
  • The incentive of providing kids with a game and test at each level works like a charm as the kids wrap up the story in no time and are eager to play the game with Gus! This is how they integrate the fun in the learning part.
  • The simplicity in design and technical flow makes it a much-preferred app for parents. Comes in handy when you are waiting at the restaurants or travelling with your kids and you want them to spend their time usefully.
  • Other added attractions include collecting stamps on your passport so that you can travel to advanced levels and trophies to congratulate on your achievement- just the right push the kids will need to learn something new!

You may also like: Wonders a second language can do to your child

Available on:

This app is available on iOS, Android and Amazon.

app to learn new language

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