13-Year-Old Girls Use Their Passion To Make A Difference During The Pandemic

2 young girls Miheeka Bagla and Geetika Jain from Delhi decided to take matters into their own hands and help people affected by COVID. This is how they did it!

The kids have been home for months now and it has been mentally exhausting for them. The number of people affected by the pandemic is huge and everyone has tried to do their best to make life a little easier for someone else. We talked to 2 Delhi based young girls who wanted to make a difference.

When two 13-year-olds put their mind to something what you get is something phenomenal. Miheeka Bagla and Geetika Jain transformed their love for art, craft and food and put it to good use – relief for people affected by COVID19.

What Did They Do?

When things were really bad a few months ago. Geetika & Miheeka decided to hold workshops online for children and the participants were as young as 5 years! Geetika and Miheeka spent a lot of time preparing and conducting these sessions on their own. We asked them what prompted them to start this venture

Miheeka aka @the.creative.fingers said

I have always been passionate about cooking and crafting. The Creative Fingers started as a small platform to showcase my hobbies!  Initially, in my free time, I would enjoy exploring various new hobbies. Crafting and cooking resonated the most with me.

Geetika aka @the.gentleartist shared that

I have always wanted to contribute to society even if in a small way. During the lockdown, the online medium offered a great opportunity for us to use our passion to generate funds for charity. I have been an art, crafts and cooking enthusiast for as long as I can remember. I love experimenting in the kitchen and trying out unique crafts that catch my eye   

How Are They Making A Difference

In their workshops, they charged a fee of Rs 300 per class. At the end of it, they had managed to raise Rs 50,000, which they donated entirely to Shakti Foundation India, for its Covid response fundraiser called Help India Breathe Again.

Wow! Now isn't that just amazing?

They had never done workshops before, but that didn't stop them. They worked together on a few mock workshops to make delivery and presentation style simple enough for kids who were watching them on Zoom to understand. One of the challenges for them was to get the coordination right between them. But they did and with roaring success.

They want their efforts to turn into a larger platform, inspiring and encouraging all creative enthusiasts to express themselves through their creativity and in turn help the society. After an initial push from their family and friends, there was no looking back as participants shared their experiences and word spread by mouth.

Here's wishing these bright sparks loads of success in all their future endeavours, We hope they inspire and motivate their generation to come forward and make a difference.

Check them out on their handles below

Instagram handles: @the.creative.fingers and @the.gentleartist

Facebook page–  Creative Fingers

We would love to feature stories about kids who make a difference and inspire! If you would like to share a story with us, write to us at contribute@kidsstoppress.com. 

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