5 Tricks for parents to capture baby pictures

Capturing precious moments of your child is not always about the perfect smile or about the perfect hair…. its about the authenticity of that moment, what you feel, when you look at your child, that – should come across in the picture…. that is what makes the picture come alive. Try not to direct the child/children into posing for a perfect picture… this way they tend to put on their “Camera – face”, the cheesy fake smile 🙂 You will be surprised as how much more of their personality you can capture if you leave them alone to do their wiggles n squiggles around the house. Your child’s first toy, first pair of shoes, First bib, A special hand embroidered crotchet blankie from Granny, your Teens first Manchester United tee…. fill your pictures with these props… they will hold a special place in the heart and albums. Uurmi Mehul photography captures the best moments in life and you can contact them here www.facebook.com/uurmimehul or drop in an email at info@uurmimehul.com and don’t forget to mention KIDS STOP PRESS.
Pictures are the best gifts you can ever give anybody and we wanted to gift you the same this Diwali. They always bring a smile back to your face. We asked Uurmi Bhatia of the famous duo Uurmi Mehul photography to share their 5 tricks to priceless baby pictures. Here is what they have to say…

“We believe With every passing moments, our lives are changing, photographs spark memories and inspire emotion,
It helps you never forget and takes you back to those moments.”
This is why, when we look at these pictures from our yester years, these seem so precious…. they tell a story from those times.
Capturing precious moments of your child is not always about the perfect smile or about the perfect hair…. its about the authenticity of that moment, what you feel, when you look at your child, that – should come across in the picture…. that is what makes the picture come alive. We think the main reason people think kids are difficult to photograph is because they have expectations about a perfect picture with a perfect smile and a perfect pose with perfect tidy hair. Well, you can throw these rules out of the window…. because there are no rules! There are tricks although to help you as a parent to capture some precious moments:
#1. Leave your child alone!
Try not to direct the child/children into posing for a perfect picture… this way they tend to put on their “Camera – face”, the cheesy fake smile 🙂 You will be surprised as how much more of their personality you can capture if you leave them alone to do their wiggles n squiggles around the house. Simple actions of a child playing with ducks in the bath tub, trying to tie a shoe lace, a chocolate smudged face, fitting into Papa’s shoes, playing dress up with Moms jewelry and dupatta. These would make you smile, when brought out of your memory box years later.
#2.The best way.
Try not to get the camera too close to the child, in his/her face…. give them their space. Thats the best way. The moment you intrude their space, they will shut off, all the giggles, smiles, silliness will be lost. Back off and zoom in. Get down to their level to get a good look at what the world looks like from their angle. Lie down on the grass with them, dip your feet in water with them too and see the magic you will discover while you peep at them through the view finder.
#3.Timing is everything.

Give a thought to the timing… when are they the happiest? The most playful? Consider these as your cues for takes.

If your child has just woken up from his nap, let him/her take their time to get fully functional, have their fill of snack before you start clicking. When the children are properly rested with a full tummy then they respond better. If bed time stories are on your list of moments to capture, make sure you tuck your child in a bit earlier than usual so there’s enough time to experiment. You could probably carry the same routine every night so that the child finally becomes oblivious to the camera while you observe through the week and can finally predict the moments to come.
#4. Props
Plenty of props are available in the market, but what can be more joyful then to look back upon your child’s picture and think about how much he loved those shoes? Or how precious the shabby doll was to her? Your child’s first toy, first pair of shoes, First bib, A special hand embroidered crotchet blankie from Granny, your Teens first Manchester United tee…. fill your pictures with these props… they will hold a special place in the heart and albums.
#5.Have fun!!
Even though documenting your child’s day to day activities is very important to you remember to have fun through it all. Because these are not only pictures that you intend to take… Its the memories that you create.
Uurmi Mehul photography captures the best moments in life and you can contact them here www.facebook.com/uurmimehul  or drop in an email at  info@uurmimehul.com and don’t forget to mention KIDS STOP PRESS.
Image Source: Uurmi Mehul photography
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