5 Ways A Fancy Office Is Different From A SAHM’s Workplace. Is It Time To Start A Union SAHMs?

While we take everything in our stride and smile and get back to staying at home, we know there are a few things that unite the vast universe of stay at home moms. While our bosses are cute, they are ruthless:While your office bosses may be having a good day and you might even be able to take it easy at work on a particularly good day, we have no such luck! Our bosses are super demanding, sadistic task masters who love the word no, and on certain days even bring us to our knees while we constantly pick up things for them! From how to precariously balance multiple toys while tiptoeing out of a room, to getting the morning breakfast porridge for the ‘boss’ just right every time – we have some serious skills!

In the vast universe of moms, Stay At Home Moms, or SAHMs as we are commonly known, are literally the most derided moms of the lot. "What do you do all day?", they ask us. "You must have so much free time on your hands!", they quip. Why, they even say, "You are so lucky to be able to spend all that time with your child!" You may also like: Stop judging! The perfect video for all types of moms!  While we take everything in our stride and smile and get back to staying at home, we know there are a few things that unite the vast universe of stay at home moms. We work too, but our offices are so vastly different from yours. There are few things that we know to be gospel truths and for the record – Yes, we chose to stay at home. No, we don't have any free time. And yes, we would like a break once in awhile! Here are 5 ways our workplace differs from yours. 

  1. While our bosses are cute, they are ruthless: 

While our bosses are cute, they are ruthless_SAHMS_3_kidsstoppress While your office bosses may be having a good day and you might even be able to take it easy at work on a particularly good day, we have no such luck! Our bosses are super demanding, sadistic task masters who love the word no, and on certain days even bring us to our knees while we constantly pick up things for them! 2. You have but one designation… You have but one designation_SAHMS_kidsstoppress   We have a million! From chief meal planner to chief cleaning officer. From super fun mom to mommy monster that disciplines. From bug killer to boo boo appeaser — we wear so many hats that it takes us a while to shed all these responsibilities before we finally go to bed. And then of course it's night shift with Night duty mom. And somewhere along the way, we learn to seamlessly and effortlessly shift between these roles as and when they are required. 3. You have skills, we have secret weapons:  You have skills, we have secret weapons_SAHMS_kidsstoppress You may flaunt your fancy skills on your resume and impress a couple of clients in the boardroom but to get an approving nod from a three year old? Beat that! Over time we have built our secret arsenal of magic creams and under bed monster sprays. From how to precariously balance multiple toys while tiptoeing out of a room, to getting the morning breakfast porridge for the 'boss' just right every time – we have some serious skills! They all work and that's why our kids come to us to fix things! 4. Your office has a fixed address:  Your office has a fixed address_SAHMS_kidsstoppress   But our office is everywhere! You may have a cabin or a cubicle, but we operate out of the kitchen, the bedroom, the car, the grocery store, play dates, parks…need we say more? 5. Promotion? Increments? What's that?  increments whats that_SAHMS_kidsstoppress You know how every year you get an appraisal letter and you may even be promoted and climb up the corporate ladder. We have no such thing. Though we are evaluated on a daily basis, I don't see an appraisal letter at the end of the year and no one is ever discussing our days off! Don’t forget to follow us on FacebookTwitterPinterest & Instagram or subscribe to our YoutubeChannel for more information.

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