7 Tips To Remember If You Are Pregnant This Diwali

If you are pregnant this Diwali, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Remember you need to account for not just your safety but for the safety and well-being of your baby as well. ​​​​​​​

2 years back, I was in the last trimester of pregnancy during Diwali and boy, I missed out on so many things because I was being careful and cautious. Though I cribbed endlessly then, it was really the right and smart thing to do. With so many festivals in India, you are bound to be pregnant during one of the big ones. If you are pregnant this Diwali, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Remember you need to account for not just your safety but for the safety and well-being of your baby as well.

 Here are some easy ways of tackling some problems that crop up during the festive season. 

Binging on food because it is Diwali:

Yes, Diwali means deep-fried namkeen and high-calorie mithai. As an expectant mom, you have been making sure you eat only healthy things, so why abandon that thought during Diwali?  It will do you no good to put empty calories into your body. Additionally, deep-fried food will have you suffering from acidity and heartburn and ruin your evening. Instead, choose wisely. Pick mithais like sandesh, ras gula or dry fruit halwa so you get your taste and nutrition.

Be prepared for traffic:

The roads are bustling during the festive season what with everyone in a hurry to get someplace. Make sure you don’t starve and then binge. Carry all those dry fruits you have been receiving over Diwali in your car or in your purse so you can snack on healthy food between the two destinations.


You are obviously skipping the colas but don’t forget to carry your bottle of water and hydrate yourself with buttermilk, plain milk, lassi or coconut water.

Stay away from pollutants and crackers:

Again, you may love fireworks and burst some every year, but take a rain check this year. Watch from afar, preferably from behind a closed window so you don’t inhale harmful fumes and loud noises don’t startle you and therefore alarm the baby.

Household work:

It doesn’t matter if you have done it every year and want to continue doing it this year. Diwali cleaning is a must in every household. Your immune system is already compromised so make sure you take extra care of yourself. Get professional deep cleaners to do the job while you watch a movie or put your legs up and relax.

If you don’t fit into anything this Diwali then the best bet is a saree or a long dress or an ankle-length skirt. Make sure you dress comfortably. Wear loose, cotton clothing and make sure you watch when you walk by those diyas to avoid any incidents. If your bump prevents you from being able to see your feet, make sure you tell anyone placing the diyas to do so at a height.

Pregnant the second time around:

Then you need to make sure you watch this video on how to plan for Diwali in advance because you don’t want to be running around at the last moment.

Just follow all these tips to ensure you have a safe Diwali while you are pregnant. Remember next year, Diwali will be extra special with your little one in tow!

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