Sign up here to receive a FREE Guide on how to kickstart your baby’s food journey.
When my otherwise ever-smiling daughter started fretting and crying for no apparent reason, I knew it was probably the teething phase that was going to hit us. She had just turned 8 months old. Till then she loved eating everything that was placed in front of her. Being a first-time mom, I was in complete despair. Actually, it doesn’t matter if you have had multiple kids, the teething phase is never easy.
Typically teething starts when a child is around six months and continues until the age of 3 years; although this can vary from child to child. Baby teeth are important because they hold the place for permanent teeth and they help guide them into the correct position. Baby teeth play an important role in the development of your child’s speech and their ability to chew foods too.
Babies also start their food journey once they turn 6 months old. It’s a big step for the baby and you when they transition from breastmilk only to eating solid food. this can be a stressful time because as a parent you want to make sure you start off on the right foot.
What Do We Do Now?
Don’t worry! We put together this Infant Meal Plan Guide that has about everything concerned with food that you need to know about your precious gem from their 6th month till they are 12 months old!
The KSP Infant Meal Plans are your gateway and the only guide you need to set off this journey with your little one. We cover everything you will need between 6-12 months
What Does This Course Include?
This course includes:
- Answers to important questions at each stage.
- Break down of information according to each month.
- Recipes for each month
- Baby food charts for every week from the 6th to 12th month
- Everything about teething
And so much more!
This course will guide you through these important stages of your baby’s life like a gentle breeze! Planning your baby’s feeding schedules is no longer an ordeal!
What more could you ask for? Access this course now!
Can I Take A Sneak Peek Of The Contents?
- How to introduce solid foods to your baby?
- 6th Month Meal Plan Week 1, 2, 3, 4
- 7th Month Meal Plan Week 1, 2, 3, 4
- 8th Month Meal Plan Week 1, 2, 3, 4
- 9th Month Meal Plan Week 1, 2, 3, 4
- 10th Month Meal Plan Week 1, 2, 3, 4
- 11th Month Meal Plan Week 1, 2, 3, 4
- 12th Month Meal Plan Week 1, 2, 3, 4
- Teething tips for kids
- Complementary Feeding- what you must know
- Is your child ready to get off breast milk?
- BLW – what is it?
- When can I start my baby on juices?
- The best utensils to use for feeding your babies
Ready to Take The 1st Step? It’s FREE
Sign up here to receive a FREE Guide on how to kickstart your baby’s food journey.
Here is a sample meal plan for feeding your baby in their 9th month.
Symptoms Of Teething