Cradles for unwanted babies in govt hospitals in India

The Child Department now wants to set up cradles in government hospitals where unwanted babies can be left. State Social & welfare development minister Sabitri Mitra has a proposal to save unwanted babies who most often die after being dumped in garbage vats, drains and other unhygienic places. Mitra said she would write to the state child welfare minister to place a cradle in a room at all state hospitals so that mothers or couples can drop off their unwanted newborns there.

Is this the solution to female foeticide? I am not sure! Will it work or will it lead to more babies being abandoned? Do we have adequate infrastructure to provide shelter to these abandoned babies? A lot of questions to ponder over! The Child Department now wants to set up cradles in government hospitals where unwanted babies can be left.

State Social & welfare development minister Sabitri Mitra has a proposal to save unwanted babies who most often die after being dumped in garbage vats, drains and other unhygienic places.

Mitra said she would write to the state child welfare minister to place a cradle in a room at all state hospitals so that mothers or couples can drop off their unwanted newborns there. The minister also wants a bell to be installed near the cradle.

“Those who will abandon the baby in the cradle can ring the bell so as to alert the hospital staff,â€_x009d_ Mitra told the media persons at her office in the state secretariat today.

She said the abandoned babies die mostly because of lack of health care. “This is only one side of the story. There are also many couples who want to adopt a baby. These abandoned babies can be adopted by these couples if they are kept in proper care. From hospitals, therefore, these babies can be sent to children homes. Through authorised adoption agencies, these babies can then be put up for adoption,â€_x009d_ Mitra said.

This has been inspired by the Catholic Church, which allows unwanted children to be left in the church. Apparently this proposal which is yet to be propose din front of the cabinet will ensure secrecy of the unwed mother or parents. Yes I agree its better than babies & foetus being thrown away in garbage cans. This has been a practice that’s gaining momentum in Canada & Europe too. Here is an NDTV video clip on the news.

All these issues just unnerve me as a mother and I wonder where is it all headed? Do let us know your opinion, we would love to know if you feel this is an option and this should be passed in the cabinet?

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