DIY Kindness Calendar So Your Kids Can Learn To Be Kind While They Wait For Santa!

Yes, there are just 24 days to Christmas and while we are excited, we know our kids can’t wait for Santa to come! Then have your child write down one act of kindness they did in the day and before you know it, they have done 24 acts and Santa knows they have been extra nice this year!

Santa Claus is coming to town!!!

Yes, there are just 24 days to Christmas and while we are excited, we know our kids can’t wait for Santa to come! So how do you spend 24 days waiting for him to arrive? With a kindness calendar, that’s how!

Kidsstoppress is getting a start on holiday and Christmas season by doing a special project that you should do with your kids too. It is really simple and something all parents wonder about. How to teach your child to be kind? All you need to do is join along with this fun project by making a kindness calendar. Then have your child write down one act of kindness they did in the day and before you know it, they have done 24 acts and Santa knows they have been extra nice this year!

Let’s get started!

Watch the video to make your kindness project today.

You may also like: Want to raise empathetic children? Here is how!

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