Here’s What I Learnt As An Entrepreneur

Well. Let me be honest, it wasn’t an easy journey but nothing is impossible. Here’s how I did it: 

Kidsstoppress and my child are both 7 years old.

Now let me break it down how I did this while I had sleepless nights, breastfeeding, handling 2 different schedules of 2 different children, and exploring and writing about parenting because It was new for me as well!
I am sure many of you want to ask me:

  • Was it tough? 
  • Could I be a hands-on mom and work at the same time? 
  • How did I grow in my business with so much happening at home? 
  • Did I want to give up?
  • How did I get so much done in the last 7 years? 

Well. Let me be honest, it wasn't an easy journey but nothing is impossible. Here's how I did it: 

  •  I only had  Rs.10,000 to start KSP – but I took one step at a time and grew every year because I was motivated and inspired by the right people.
  • I explored new avenues every day and failed many times, but I knew I had to be a life long learner to grow. 
  • I was hands-on with my kids and utilized the time spent with them well instead of doing everything by myself.

The mistakes I made:

  • It took me a while to get organized and create work blocks and be efficient. =
  • I spent more time on the internet to find inspiration and experts that could help me. I didn't search for people that would give me easy access. 

So, raise your hands in the comments below and let you in on how you could raise your babies and business together! We have for you exclusive group mentoring session webinars on raising your business while raising babies. You can be a part of them all here. 

Go ahead, take that first step towards realising your dream. We are with you on this. Here's our bit in helping you fly higher. 

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