Here’s Why Every Mom Needs An Apple Watch That Will Help In #SimplifyingParenting

Before reading the article do leave aside the bias that why do I really need an Apple Watch or a wearable to make me fit. You may also like: The Best Apple Watch Apps For The Family That Loves To TravelThe true benefits that only a mom can understand are:1. Sometimes a quick call using Siri or the ability to make an important call just with my watch is an absolute luxury that I thoroughly enjoy. Now this really might sound like a luxury but each one of us as parents need to give ourselves some time and it can only happen when you monitor your sleep, your health, heart rate, exercise goals, we walk or stand enough.

The New Year is here and the weigh scales are groaning with all the binge eating. If your 2018 resolution like me is to work out and stay fit, then here’s what you need to know.

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Before reading the article do leave aside the bias that why do I really need an Apple Watch or a wearable to make me fit. Well, it’s not always a necessity but it definitely pushes you harder, reminds you, gives you that nudge when you need it and will help you work smarter. While you may feel it is a luxury but truly not.

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The true benefits that only a mom can understand are:

1. You know those moments when you have snoozed off the alarm on your phone only to realize you missed the school bus? Well, here the alarm almost beeps on your skin and kind of wakes you up and it doesn’t go on snooze again. Hopefully, that will make sure you’re never running late to the bus stop. 

2. That moment when the phone rings, especially while crossing the road, at the checkout line at a mall or grocery store and you keep digging through your bag to find your phone? I know that feeling and now with the Apple Watch, it’s much easier. By glancing at my wrist I know if I need to most definitely find my phone or I can call back. 

3. Taking a call at dinner time is a big hassle when you are feeding the kids. Now that’s the time you just press green and have a quick chat so you don’t need to move and disrupt your meal with your kids. It’s one of my most favourite features because as moms we always have our hands full, soiled or are carrying multiple objects. I also hate getting out of bed or getting up once I’ve plonked myself down. Sometimes a quick call using Siri or the ability to make an important call just with my watch is an absolute luxury that I thoroughly enjoy. 

4. A mom does so much work that someone needs to get those calories clocked. Carrying a sleeping toddler, running in the park, squatting down to put on the babies shoes and put them back on, remove babies toys from under the bed or run around them in the park. The list is long and endless. These totally need to be clocked. 

5. The Apple watch is perfect for reminders for classes, bus pickups and important meetings. You know what I mean when I say that sometimes you could miss the notifications on your phone but you definitely can’t miss it on the watch.

6. The three rings – the health apps and step counter – definitely make you feel a little restless if not completed. These are the perfect reminder for you to get out and get some exercise time for yourself 

7. It helps me prioritize me. Now this really might sound like a luxury but each one of us as parents need to give ourselves some time and it can only happen when you monitor your sleep, your health, heart rate, exercise goals, we walk or stand enough. Weight loss may not be everybody’s goal or passion but staying fit for the family should be.  The only way that can become a priority for you is when you get that gentle nudge. 

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