How Having Two Children Turned Me Into My Mom!

After two children and seven years of parenting, I feel like I have my nerves, parenting style and all the information anyone will ever need about pregnancy, delivery, early years of parenting down pat! Food: From my grandmother who sat down with my father with every meal he ate even when he was no longer a child at 50 years to my mother micro managing my every meal to now me doing the same for my children – nothing has changed. Simplify parenting: As new parents we get so caught up with new age parenting styles, that we forget there is a wealth of information in old, tried and tested methods. It is a few decades later, but I now find myself saying the same things to my children. Image Source: wisegeek.orgI am sure there are so many ways in which we are slowly turning into our moms.

It was almost an instant reaction. As soon as I became pregnant with my first child, my mother and I began to disagree on almost everything. From the weight I was putting on to doctors, hospitals to cord blood banking, from nursing to eating the right kind of food post-partum, from cloth nappies to diapers , the list just goes on and on and on.

After two children and seven years of parenting, I feel like I have my nerves, parenting style and all the information anyone will ever need about pregnancy, delivery, early years of parenting down pat! I feel like I am a prized bank of information and am free to dispense advice to anyone who might need it. But wait! Isn’t that just like my mom? Have I turned into my mother after seven years of parenting?

While I really didn’t see that happening, maybe there are some things that just can’t be changed. And as parents we need to live with that!

1. Food: From my grandmother who sat down with my father with every meal he ate even when he was no longer a child at 50 years to my mother micro managing my every meal to now me doing the same for my children – nothing has changed. I now plan daily menus, sneak in veggies, and work towards them developing a global palette.

what did you eat for food - kidsstoppress

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2. Clothes: My mom always said my shorts were too short! I have scoffed and rolled my eyes at her for many years. Seems strange when I say the same things to my children now. Hot shorts, daisy dukes? Never!

how short are your shirts

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3. Clean your room: As a child, my room would be neat and tidy and I would obsess for hours about whether my things were in the proper places. All thanks to my mom always telling me to clean my room! I find myself saying the same things to my kids now.

clean your room

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4. Sleep early, sleeping in: Whether it is a nightly fight for five more minutes of play time or an early morning struggle against the alarm clock, nothing has changed. My mom said that waking up early is a good habit and it will take you a long way. Mom, I totally understand those words now.


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5. She just doesn’t listen!: Aah! I complain that my kids don’t listen at all to my husband. Sounds vaguely familiar? After all these years, my mom still complains that I don’t listen to her to anybody who will lend her a ear!

she just doesnt listen

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6. Simplify parenting: As new parents we get so caught up with new age parenting styles, that we forget there is a wealth of information in old, tried and tested methods. Once the novelty wears off, we get back to basics. So yes, mom you were right, I was wrong. But I will be sure to pass this on to anyone who will listen.

mo  you were right


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7. It’s too expensive: I remember my parents going on about how expensive things were in our time. I would always think that was so unfair and that they were using it as a convenient excuse to not buy things for us. Things were always unhealthy or expensive! It is a few decades later, but I now find myself saying the same things to my children. Seriously why do our kids go for the most expensive toys?


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I am sure there are so many ways in which we are slowly turning into our moms. These are my favourites what are yours?

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