I Took A Sabbatical From Work To Have Kids | Uurmi Bhatia

From posting photos of her incredible paper-decor and launching workshops, to creating a community that loves and appreciates the art form of being a paper florist. Continue reading to find out about Uurmi and her incredible comeback into the workforce.

If you know anything about paper flowers on Instagram, you know Uurmi Bhatia and her account! Uurmi’s content is the definition of authenticity and consistency and we love every single bit of it. From posting photos of her incredible paper decor and launching workshops, to creating a community that loves and appreciates the art form of being a paper florist. Kudos! ❤️

This campaign by Kidsstoppress and Instagram celebrates moms who are lifelong learners and will continue to dream big, think out of the box, and achieve everything they put their mind to. They are super inspirational. Stay tuned for more, this episode is 9/15.

How it started:

Uurmi started working when she was 15 years old. She started teaching right after she had her first child. But after her first baby, it became difficult to keep juggling between work and motherhood. Then came the second one.

there’s always guilt, right? Which mother doesn’t carry guilt, which working mother doesn’t carry guilt. So I really wanted to make sure that when the kids were younger, they had my full attention.

Uurmi was supposed to start working again in a couple of years when things became less hectic, but as mothers can relate, it went on for quite a long time.

“I stood by my decision because I really wanted to make sure that when the kids were younger, they had my full attention.”

Uurmi had taken a break of about 17 years and when her son turned 17 and college applications began, that’s when she realized that she needed something to do.

The Comeback:

Uurmi got back by launching her own paper flower account on Instagram called Mi Ikigai, where she posted all her decor ideas and funny DIYs for her followers. She credits her breakthrough and growth to the reach Instagram gave her back in 2017-2018.

“Without it, I don’t know how I would have made it out there in the world.”

Putting herself out there, making sure she could reach out to people. “It made life easy, really easy.” says Uurmi. Instagram gave such great connections so when Uurmi started again, it gave her great connections, people with genuine interest in her work and in paper flowers.

Today she has built a country-wide community of paper flower enthusisasts who love and appreciate the art form and Uurmi is most thankful for all that and the long lasting friendships that came with her success on Instagram. A truly inspiring comeback.

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