#JudgeMeNot: Join Hands To Put An End To Mom-Shaming NOW!

Let’s put an end to it once and for all, mommies. Let’s join hands to create an awareness against mom-shaming and judging what a mom does for her child. Tell us your story. Write to us about your experiences on being judged/mommy-shamed and how you reacted to it. #JudgeMeNot

From the time we declare that we are a mom, or a mom-to-be to this world, we are swiftly put under one of the two popular categories. Good mom vs Bad mom. Shocked? Yes, that’s true. 

Breastfeeding? Good mom. Bottle-feed? Bad mom.

Hands-on-mom 24*7? Good mom. Hiring a nanny or help? Bad mom

No screen time for kids? Good mom. Kid-friendly apps? Bad mom.

The list is simply endless. Whatever we do (or don’t), the world loves to put itself in our shoes and bestows us with unsolicited advice. But this isn’t true of just others. Stop pointing the finger outward. Sunakshi Mehta, one of our contributors for KSP, lists these 5 signs that tell us that you and I are guilty of judging other moms. Give it a read here. 

Let’s put an end to it once and for all, mommies. Let’s join hands to create an awareness against mom-shaming and judging what a mom does for her child. Scroll down to find out how you can be a part of this campaign #JudgeMeNot. 



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Every mom's story is different. Some moms have been judged for having resumed work too early, while others have been judged for deciding to not vaccinate their child. Those eyes rolls and talking-behind-my-back don't help! Have you been subject to mommy-shaming by friends/family or colleagues? Tell us your story.

Write to us about your experiences on being judged/mommy-shamed and how you reacted to it.

  • Send us a mail with "#JudgeMeNot-my experience" as the subject line to contribute@kidsstoppress.com
  • Don't forget to add a few lines about yourself, your social handles and a pic (in the above format- with the #JudgeMeNot placard)
  • We would be giving you super moms a shout out on our social platforms and tagging you. 

Let's do this for our tribe and put an end to mom-shaming once and for all. #SimplifyingParenting

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