Kids Being Rude & Angry? Try This Trick!

Kids can act out sometimes. Can be rude & angry kids. What do we as parents do in times like these? Shout, yell, correct them with a raised voice? No, try this
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Kids can act out sometimes, and be rude or stubborn. What do we as parents do in times like these? Shout, yell, correct them with a raised voice? Even though I agree at times, tough love is required, but not always. Not when there are more creative ways to correct them…

What Creative Ways?

Kids basically function on reverse psychology most of the time… If you say, “don’t do this!” or “this is not how you speak…” Better believe they are gonna do just that. So instead of wasting your mental peace and theirs… use this technique that I’ve come up with. It uses positive dialogue and gives them a practical view of what happens when they act rudely with someone. Teach them to be self-aware.

I shared this on our #TueasdayTalkWithKSP series where we share helpful parenting tips and insights that are really relatable and interesting on our Instagram platform. Follow to hear new titbits every Tuesday.

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