KSP Book Club: Nadya

There aren’t a lot of Indian books that touch upon the subjects of divorce and separation and the impact it has on the kids. Nadya treads on this serious path carefully. Read more on our KSP Book Club.

On KSP Book Club, this week, we have something for the older kids- the tweens and the teens and something that parents might also want to read. Graphic novels are popular and if we may, are considered a serious form of reading. Taking the reader through the journey of the protagonist through minimal texts and a graphic format, these novels are popular time and again and make it to the front rows of every bookstore or library. 

This year, Scholastic India has released this graphic novel by author Debasmita Dasgupta, that aptly describes itself as a 'quiet but gloriously drawn graphic novel for kids" and it is winning the hearts of book lovers and parents alike. What is the book about? Scroll down to find out all about it in our KSP Book Club and don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive age-wise recommendations straight to your inbox. 

About the book: 

The book we are talking about today is Nadya- a graphical novel by Debasmita Dasgupta that is suitable for your kids 12 years and above. The narrative is pretty simple. It talks about the life and journey of little Miss Nadya, the things she likes to do and what happens when there is an unwelcome change in her life.  

There aren't a lot of Indian books that touch upon the serious subjects of divorce and separation and the impact it has on the kids. Nadya treads on this serious path carefully, albeit with engaging illustrations that talk about divorce, not as a primary topic but as a part of the process. The book follows Nadya's journey, riddled with confusions and the pain of loss and separation.

Buy here.

Being an adolescent in today's times is difficult enough and to carry on with life with painful developments as a parents' divorce must be challenging. How does Nadya redeem herself? How is she going to find peace amidst the chaos in her life?

The graphic novel narrates a story that strikes a chord with the readers along with a simple narrative style. The colours, especially, of the landscapes describing the life in the hills, will leave you and the kids mighty pleased at the end of it. 

Here is the trailer of the book released by Scholastic India. Go ahead and place your order here. 

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